The term “liturgy” originates from the Greek word “leitourgia,” which translates to “work of the people.” In the Catholic faith, we use the term “liturgy” to describe the Mass, the central element of our spiritual life. As members of the church community, we are all invited to actively engage in the liturgy through prayer, song, and vocal responses during Mass. Some among us are also called to serve as liturgical ministers during these sacred ceremonies. Our liturgical celebrations at Blessed Sacrament owe much of their success to the dedicated group of liturgical ministers who generously contribute their time and talents to our parish community.

Have you ever felt a calling to participate more fully in the Mass as a liturgical minister? We warmly welcome new disciples to join us in serving Christ and our parish in this crucial role! If you’re interested in learning more about any of the liturgical ministry positions listed below, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the parish office or Donna Kearney, We provide comprehensive training for all positions, and all liturgical ministers aged 18 and above must complete Safe Haven Training.

Altar Servers: Altar servers assist the priest during Sunday Mass, Holy Day Mass, weddings, funerals, Stations of the Cross, and Benediction. They should be in the fourth grade or older and have received their First Communion.

Adult Altar Servers: These individuals assist the priest during Funerals when student altar servers are unavailable. Adult Altar Servers must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and if married, their marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church. They must also be cleared through safe environment training.

Lectors: Lectors play a crucial role in proclaiming the Word of God clearly and comprehensibly at Sunday Mass, Holy Day Mass, Funerals, and Daily Mass. Lectors should be at least 16 years old and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If married, their marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church. They must also be cleared through safe environment training.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: These ministers serve in various capacities, including distributing Holy Communion at Mass and funerals and bringing communion to parishioners who are homebound or residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Extraordinary Ministers should be at least 16 years old and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If married, their marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church. They must also be cleared through safe environment training.

Ushers (Greeters): Ushers are often referred to as Greeters and play a vital role in creating a welcoming community. They are the first point of contact for those entering our church, offering assistance, distributing parish bulletins, collecting offerings, and providing other necessary support. Ushers are needed at Sunday Mass, Holy Day Masses, and Funerals. They should be at least 16 years old and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If married, their marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church. They must also be cleared through safe environment training.

Sacristans: Sacristans ensure that all sacramental supplies (hosts, wine, chalices, linens, etc.) are prepared before Mass. They may also assist with tasks such as washing and ironing linens, maintaining water fonts, refilling holy water, and cleaning the main altar, day chapel, and sacristy. They must also be cleared through safe environment training.

Altar linen ministry: Fueled by profound love and respect for the Holy Eucharist, the Altar Linen Care Ministry diligently tends to the sacred linens on a rotational basis. We offer comprehensive training on the proper care of these special linens that hold the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This ministry comprises dedicated team members who, from the comfort of their homes and out of public view, treat the purificators and corporals used on the altar during Mass with utmost reverence and care.

The Arts and Environment Committee: This committee is responsible for planning and decorating the church for all liturgical seasons, including but not limited to Lent, Christmas, Easter, and Ordinary Time.