Religious Education

With the understanding that parents are the primary educators of faith. It is the goal of St Anne and St Jude Catholic Church that the religious education program for k(4) through 8th grade be a well organized, student-centered approach to sharing the Catholic faith. We strive to create an atmosphere of learning by using the Diocesan approved curriculum and bringing in funfaith-filled activities designed to hold our student’s attention and make them excited to be Catholic.

Sacrament preparation for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation

SASJ offers Sacrament preparation for reconciliation, first communion and confirmation within the Wednesday night catechism classes for second graders. Students are expected to have already attended at least one year of religious education before receiving any sacrament.

RCIC – Rite of Christian Initiation of Children

This program is designed to work with children who have significant gaps in their religious education. Students who are sacrament age, but do not possess sufficient knowledge of the faith are placed in age appropriate classrooms and pulled out for targeted instruction on the Sacraments.

Classes for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade, The First Holy Communion Sacrament Classes, RCIC and Confirmation are held Wednesday evenings from 5:45 pm – 7:00 pm in St. Anne School Building.

Contact Us

Nicole Macedo

Director of Faith Formation
Tel. (803) 773-9244


The Quince años ritual is a significant way among Latinos in the United States to celebrate the passage from childhood to adolescence, that is the 15th birthday of a young woman, the Quinceanera. Individual Quinceaneras are celebrated at Saint Anne and Saint Jude Catholic Church. They are scheduled between 6 months to a year prior to the desired date. To fulfill the requirements for a Quinceanera the student must be either Confirmed, attending the Confirmation classes or sign a promise to complete the Confirmation requirements, complete meetings with the pastor, the parents and if possible godparents, complete the required Quinceanera reading and attend at least 2 meetings with a catechist. A rehearsal for the celebration is required by the Pastor. Please contact the Parish Office to schedule a quinceanera.

Safe Environment

As members of SASJ, we are all called upon to ensure the safety of children and young people in our parish, and within our parish activities and events. In an effort to respond to this responsibility, the Diocese of Charleston requires all adults and minors who are active in a diocesan organization and ALL hired staff members to complete a safe environment program that teaches how to recognize and report abuse, and how to maintain proper boundaries.

The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People states in Article 6 that there will be “clear and well-publicized diocesan standards of ministerial behavior” for clergy, all employees and those volunteers with access to children and young people.

These “standards” have become our Codes of Conduct, and they serve to outline the appropriate behaviors and boundaries that must be adopted by those who wish to work with our children and youth. In addition to obtaining a signature on the Code of Conduct from all designated church personnel, the Charter goes a step further. It is also mandated, that our Code of Conduct will be “well-publicized.” Learn More…

Safe Haven- It’s Up to You Training and background screening are mandatory for all church personnel and volunteers who have access to children and/or vulnerable adults as part of work or ministry. Safe Haven Training is designed to help our community create a safe environment by empowering us to recognize and prevent sexual abuse.

How to complete Safe Haven- It’s Up to You Training

To complete the training, follow these four easy steps…

  1. Go to to complete your new online safe environment curriculum.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Start and Complete Safe Haven- It’s Up to You training curriculum.
  4. When finished, return to the “Dashboard” and download and print your certificate. IMPORTANT: Send the Safe Haven certificate to 

Office of Child Protection Services for the Diocese of Charleston

Policy of the Diocese of Charleston Concerning Sexual Misconduct or Abuse

Protecting God’s Children®
Teaching Safety—Empowering God’s Children™

The Empowering God’s Children® Program is for children and youth, Kindergarten through grade 12, to teach them about boundaries, how to recognize boundary violations, how to respond to persons who violate their boundaries, and how to report such violations to parents, family members, and other trusted adults. The sessions are taught in the Catholic schools, in parish religious education classes, and in youth ministry sessions. Empowering God’s Children® is a prerequisite to applying for Teen Leader Training.

Parents who opt-out to having their children attend the Empowering God’s Children® sessions at school, religious education class or in youth ministry are strongly urged to review the age/grade appropriate curriculum with their children in the home. Information and the same curriculum with handouts and interactive activities that are used by the group facilitators are available through your Catholic school, parish catechetical leaders and parish Safe Environment Coordinators.