Announcements for the weekend of October 15, 2023

Liturgical Ministry Training- All Confirmed individuals who are in Communion with the church are invited to be a part of the Liturgical Ministry.  Training for new Eucharistic Ministers will be Sunday, October 29, 2:00-4:00PM.  Training for new Lectors and Ushers will be Friday, November 3, 6:30-8:30PM.  Email Donna or contact the parish office if interested. 

Knights of Peter Claver Auxiliary will host their 8th annual shopping extravaganza on Nov. 4th from 8am-2pm at St. Anne’s Parish Hall.  They are still accepting vendor applications.  Check your bulletin for more information.

It is that time of year again! Sumter United Ministries has asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wednesday, November 15th. 

The young adults are planning a trip to Mepkin Abbey on Saturday, Nov. 4th.   Please read your bulletin for more details or contact Nathan Costas. 

In an effort to keep the verbal announcements brief, please read your bulletin.

Announcements for the weekend of October 8, 2023

There will be NO 5 pm Mass on Sunday, October 15th, due to the Parish Picnic so plan accordingly. 

On Saturday, October 14th, there will be a Rosary Rally in front of the old courthouse at 12:00 pm.  This is a nationwide event.  All are welcome to attend. 

The Sumter – Knights of Columbus are participating in the 2023 Sumter Life Chain to promote Life from conception to natural death.  We will gather along Broad St. in front of CCTC from 2:30-3:30 pm on Sunday, November 5th.  We welcome all to join us.

It is that time of year again! Sumter United Ministries has asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wednesday, November 15th.

Announcements for the weekend of October 1, 2023

Save the Date!!  Our first parish picnic at our Church will be on Sunday, October 15th from 2-5 pm.  There will be activities for all ages.  Sign up sheets are now up in the church foyer.  Please note that there will be NO 5 pm Mass that day.  See you there! 

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for any Catholic who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

The Sumter – Knights of Columbus are participating in the 2023 Sumter Life Chain to promote Life from conception to natural death.  We will gather along Broad St. in front of CCTC from 2:30-3:30 pm on Sunday October 1st and November 5th.  We welcome all to join us.

There will be a blessing of the animals on Wednesday, October 4th at noon in the church parking lot.  All animals are welcome!! 

Today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity!


Announcements for the weekend of September 24, 2023

Save the Date!!  Our first parish picnic at our Church will be on Sunday, October 15th from 2-5 pm.  There will be activities for all ages.  Sign up sheets are now up in the church foyer.  Please note that there will be NO 5 pm Mass that day.  See you there! 

Jesus and the Eucharist Small Group Study starts Monday, October 2nd from 6-8:30 pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  They will meet every Monday for 7 weeks ending on November 13th.  Please check the sign-up sheets in the church foyer. 

Say it with flowers!  The altar flowers can be dedicated to commemorate a special event, such as a birthday, anniversary or to remember a love one who has passed.  If you would like to donate a fresh flower arrangement, please contact the parish office to book a weekend. 

The Sumter – Knights of Columbus are participating in the 2023 Sumter Life Chain to promote Life from conception to natural death.  We will gather along Broad St. in front of CCTC from 2:30-3:30 pm on Sunday October 1st and November 5th.  We welcome all to join us.

Announcements for the weekend of September 17, 2023

Save the Date!!  Our first parish picnic at our Church will be on Sunday, October 15th from 2-5 pm.  There will be activities for all ages.  Please note that there will be NO 5 pm Mass that day.  See you there! 

Jesus and the Eucharist Small Group Study starts Monday, October 2nd from 6-8:30 pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  They will meet every Monday for 7 weeks ending on November 13th.  Please check the sign-up sheets in the church foyer. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process for welcoming adults into the Catholic Church, has begun here in Sumter for St. Anne and St. Jude and Our Lady of the Skies at Shaw. We meet Wednesdays from 7 to 9 PM in the St. Anne Parish Center. Please read the bulletin for more information.


Announcements for the weekend of September 10, 2023

Women’s Guild Monthly Meeting will have a Catholic Item Exchange.   Do you have Catholic items that you have enjoyed and would like to pass on? Bring them to the Saturday, September 16th Women’s Guild Meeting in the Parish Hall at 10:00 am. ALL Women of the Parish are invited to attend. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process for welcoming adults into the Catholic Church, has begun here in Sumter for St. Anne and St. Jude and Our Lady of the Skies at Shaw. We meet Wednesdays from 7 to 9 PM in the St. Anne Parish Center. Please read the bulletin for more information. 

The Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver are celebrating Saint Peter Claver’s Feast Day today. Immediately following this Mass, the Knights and Ladies invite you to join them in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Announcements for the weekend of September 3, 2023

The Parish Office will be closed Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, September 5th. 

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for any Catholic who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

If you have NOT registered your child yet for Religious Education or Confirmation, please call or come by the parish office. 

Join us in shaping our new campus through our Commemorative Brick Program. Leave your mark while helping us offset our loan and future building phases. Check the foyer flyer for details.  Also, today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity! 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process for welcoming adults into the Catholic Church, has begun here in Sumter for St. Anne and St. Jude and Our Lady of the Skies at Shaw. We meet Wednesdays from 7 to 9 PM in the St. Anne Parish Center. Please read the bulletin for more information.

Announcements for the weekend of August 27, 2023

Registration for Religious Education and Confirmation is now open. Both classes start on Wednesday, September 13th from 5:45-7:00pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins Wednesday, August 30st at 7 PM in the Parish Center at St. Anne. If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, this is for you or them. Please see the bulletin for more information.

Join us in shaping our new campus through our Commemorative Brick Program. Leave your mark while helping us offset our loan and future building phases. Check the foyer flyer for details.  Thank you for your generosity!


Announcements for the weekend of August 20, 2023

Registration for Religious Education and Confirmation is now open. Both classes start on Wednesday, September 13th from 5:45-7:00pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Young Adults BBQ!!  Are you 18-35 years old and looking for something specifically for you in our parish?  Join us on Saturday, August 26th at 7:00 PM at St. Anne Parish Hall for an evening of Faith, Followship and some really good food. 

Join us in shaping our new campus through our Commemorative Brick Program. Leave your mark while helping us offset our loan and future building phases. Check the foyer flyer for details.  Thank you for your generosity!

Announcements for the weekend of August 13, 2023

Registration for Religious Education is now open.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Parish office will be closed on Tuesday, August 15th for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  There will be NO Adoration.  The Mass times for the holy day will be Monday- 6 pm and 7:30 pm (Spanish) and Tuesday- 7:00 am and 12:15 pm. 

The Adorno Fathers will be leaving for their spiritual retreat this coming week after the holy day.  There will be communion services only each day at normal Mass times.   Please pray for a restful yet productive experience for our priests.

Join us in shaping our new campus through our Commemorative Brick Program. Leave your mark while helping us offset our loan and future building phases. Check the foyer flyer for details.  Thank you for your generosity!