Announcements for the weekend of February 18, 2024

The Parish office will be closed on Monday, February 19th in observance of President’s Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, February 20th. 

The Sumter Knights of Columbus will be selling tickets next weekend for their St. Patrick’s Dinner/Dance.  The dinner is  on March 16th from 6-9pm at the Parish Hall.  Only 125 tickets will be available at $30 each so get yours early. 

The Knights of Columbus also needs items or donations for gift baskets for their Silent Auction.  All proceeds from this auction will go toward our Church debt.  Contact John Owen- his number and email are listed on page 6 of the bulletin. 

The Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver will host the Annual Black History Month Celebration on Sunday, February 25th, at St. Anne’s Parish Hall from 2-4PM.  All are welcome. 

Join Father Jason Caganap for a two-night Lenten Reflection: Finding Serenity: Fostering Inner Peace Through Prayer, on March 3-4 from 7:00-8:00PM.  Confessions in English will be on March 4th starting at 5:00PM.  Spanish confessions will be on March 5th.  Please check your bulletin for more information.

Announcements for the weekend of February 11, 2024

Please check the bulletin for Ash Wednesday Mass times. 

There is NO Class for BOTH Religious Education and Youth Group on Wed., Feb. 14th.  Please attend Ash Wednesday Mass with your family. 

Attention ALL high schoolers!!  Come join Catholic youth and adults from around the Diocese as we gather on March 8-10th for the Diocesan High School Youth Conference!  Deadline to register is Tuesday, February 13th.  Please see your bulletin for more information. 

There is still time to get a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer and parish office. 

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on February 17th starting at 10:00 am in St. Anne Parish Hall.   The Sumter Shag Club will provide the program.  Come join in the fun and bring a friend. 

Announcements for the weekend of February 4, 2024

Attention ALL high schoolers!!  Come join Catholic youth and adults from around the Diocese as we gather on March 8-10th for the Diocesan High School Youth Conference!  Deadline to register is Tuesday, February 13th.  Please see your bulletin for more information. 

Youth and Young Adult Ministry is looking for a new Youth Minister.  We are looking for an energetic person with creative ideas and desire to serve the Lord and their community.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

St. Anne and St. Jude Youth Ministry will hold their 7th Annual St. Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance on Saturday, February 10th from 7-10 pm at St. Anne’s Parish Hall.  Tickets are $65 per couple and $35 for singles.  Tickets will be available at all Masses. 

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after Benediction.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for any Catholic who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

Today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity!


Announcements for the weekend of January 28, 2024

Attention ALL high schoolers!!  Come join Catholic youth and adults from around the Diocese as we gather on March 8-10th for the Diocesan High School Youth Conference!  Deadline to register is Tuesday, February 13th.  Please see your bulletin for more information. 

SASJ will be hosting an Interfaith Prayer Service on Sunday in the St. Anne Parish Hall at 2PM.   Everyone in the parish is invited to attend. 

This weekend, our diocese will take up a second collection for the Church in Latin America.  All donations will be allocated to the evangelization of peoples throughout Mexico and Central and South America.  Please give generously. 

Youth and Young Adult Ministry is looking for a new Youth Minister.  We are looking for an energetic person with creative ideas and desire to serve the Lord and their community.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call or email the Parish Office to request your statement.  Per your request, your statement can be mailed, e-mailed or prepared for pick-up. 

Announcements for the weekend of January 21, 2024

Please join us for Father Gerry’s last Mass on Jan. 26th at 6PM for the Santo Nino celebration.   Father Gerry has been reassigned to Immaculate Conception in Goose Creek.   A fellowship will follow at St. Anne Parish Hall immediately after the Mass.

There is still time to get a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer. 

SASJ will be hosting an Interfaith Prayer Service on Sunday, Jan. 28th in the St. Anne Parish Hall at 2PM.  Please note the date and time change.  Everyone in the parish is invited to attend. 

Youth and Young Adult Ministry is looking for a new Youth Minister.  We are looking for an energetic person with creative ideas and desire to serve the Lord and their community.  Please check your bulletin for more information.


Announcements for the weekend of January 14, 2024

The priests will be gone at convocation Monday through Thursday, Jan. 15th – 18th.  Morning Mass will be celebrated on Monday with communion services Tuesday through Thursday.  Normal Mass time on Friday, Jan. 19th.    Please pray for the priests to have a productive and prayerful week.

Please join us for Father Gerry’s last Mass on Jan. 26th at 6PM for the Santo Nino celebration.   Father Gerry has been reassigned to Immaculate Conception in Goose Creek.   A fellowship will follow at St. Anne Parish Hall immediately after the Mass.

Donations for the Women’s Guild Yard Sale will be collected Sunday through Thursday.  Please check your bulletin for drop off times.  The Yard Sale will be Saturday, Jan. 20th from 7-11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall. 

The Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver will sponsor a celebration to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.  It will be held at St. Anne’s Parish Hall at 2:00 pm on January 14th. 

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, January 16th.

Announcements for the weekend of January 7, 2024

There is still time to get a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer. 

Donations for the Women’s Guild Yard Sale will be collected from Jan. 14th through 19th.  Please check your bulletin for drop off times.  The Yard Sale will be Saturday, Jan. 20th from 7-11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall. 

The Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver will sponsor a celebration to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.  It will be held at St. Anne’s Parish Hall at 2:00 pm on January 14th. 

Today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity!


Announcements for the weekend of December 31, 2023

The Parish Office will be closed Jan. 1st and 2nd for New Years.  We will reopen on Wednesday, Jan. 3rd.   Have a safe and Happy New Year! 

Start the year right and spend a holy hour with Jesus in adoration at our first Friday Encounter night on Friday, Jan 5.  We will have a fellow parishioner give a Eucharistic witness talk, gospel reading and reflection, and Taize songs. Daily mass will be at 6 pm followed by the Encounter night at 7 pm. There will not be any morning mass that day 

There is still time to get a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer. 

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction.   Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for any Catholic who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

There will be NO Religious Education classes on Jan. 3rd.    Classes will resume on Jan. 10th.  See you then.


Christmas Flowers 2023

Christmas Flowers 2023

Announcements for the weekend of December 24, 2023

The Parish Office will be closed Dec. 25th   and 26th  and half day on the 27th for Christmas.  The office will reopen on Thursday and Friday, Dec. 28th and 29th.   Have a Merry Christmas! 

Looking for that perfect Christmas present?  Please consider a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer. 

Please check your bulletin for the holiday Mass schedule. 

There will be NO Religious Education classes on Dec. 27th and Jan. 3rd.    Classes will resume on Jan. 10th.  See you then.