Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons

Daily Mass Time Changes

daily mass changes

Altar Server Training

There will be an Altar Server Training at Saint Jude on Saturday, December 2nd from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. This is for current Altar servers and those 4th grade and up who want to be an Altar server.

Donations for Thanksgiving Baskets

canned food

Come celebrate the feast of Saint Jude, one of our patron saints

Come celebrate one of our patron saints for The Feast of Saint Jude on Saturday, October 28th with a 9:00am Mass and a Fellowship Brunch immediately following in the Parish Hall at Saint Jude. Everyone is invited to attend.

The Novena Mass schedule is:
Thursday, October 19th at 6:00pm
Friday, October 20th at 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday we will have the Novena Prayer after communion at our normal weekend masses. Monday, October 23rd at 6:00pm
Tuesday, October 24th after Adoration
WednesdayOctober 25th at 6:00pm
Thursday, October 26th at 6:00pm
Friday, October 27th at 6:00pm



Celebrate the Solemn Novena to St. Jude

As God calls us always into renewed relationship with Him in both joyous and difficult times, devotion to St. Jude gives us a meaningful way to respond to that call. Through our Solemn Novena prayers to St. Jude, we express our deep desire to grow in faith and to draw closer to God.

Why St. Jude Novena Prayer?

The nine days of novena prayer signify the nine days the twelve Apostles prayed together between Jesus’ Ascension and Pentecost, when they were filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. St. Jude was one of the Apostles and a cousin of Jesus.

St. Jude promises to deliver our prayers to God, and in turn to give us comfort and hope as we wait to see how life will unfold. It is then, as we wait and discern how we can best continue moving forward while our needs remain, that God fulfills His assurance that He is with us always.

We ask St. Jude, one of our patron saints, to continue to intercede for us and help us in all our endeavors and plans. May our honor and reverence to St. Jude allow us to bear fruits that will benefit our parish community.

How do I pray to St. Jude?

Our prayer life is a response to the needs and blessings of our days. The desire to pray to St. Jude comes from our needs. Your prayer can be as simple as “St. Jude, pray for us,” or “Thank you, St. Jude.” Through our prayer, St. Jude offers us another source to appreciate the wisdom of God and to receive the strength of the Holy Spirit—all helping us through our challenges.
The Solemn Novena to St. Jude is an opportunity to pray in a unique way, placing our petitions before the Patron Saint of Hope for his intercession. We invigorate our regular daily prayer by dedicating these nine days to placing our special intentions and gratitude before God and sharing with Him our specific petitions.

Announcements for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Parish Picnic is THIS Weekend!!  Beginning at 2:00pm at Saint Anne’s BE THERE!!

The Women’s Guild will sponsor a Coat Drive on Saturday October 21st at Saint Anne. If you would like to donate gently used coats, sweaters, socks, or blankets, please drop them at the office at St. Jude or the school office at St. Anne.

The Ladies of St. Peter Claver will host the Shopping Extravaganza on Saturday November 4th at Saint Jude. Call the office or see a Lady of Peter Claver for more information.

There are now FOUR ways to get information about Saint Anne and Saint Jude or the Diocese of Charleston, please read your bulletin, check out our New Website, our Facebook pages OR download our Parish App.

SASJ Parish Picnic – This is for EVERYONE!!

Dunk Booth Fund Raiser


America needs Fatima~Rosary for Our Country
