Announcements for January 21, 2018 The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Join us this weekend as we say farewell to Fr. Frank. A reception will be held at 6:30pm Sunday in the Saint Anne Parish Hall. Please come and show your appreciation for his hard work and dedication to Saint Anne & Saint Jude. The main course for the evening will be provided, but if you would like to bring your favorite side dish to share, it would be greatly appreciated.
There is No Youth Group this weekend. We ask all Youth and their families to spend this time with Fr. Frank at his farewell reception.
A mandatory parent and youth meeting to discuss the Youth Group Mission Trip to Louisiana will be held next Sunday the 28th in the Youth Building at 5:00pm to 5:30pm. This is for all High Schoolers, rising freshman through graduating seniors, who plan to attend the trip.
Ladies Auxiliary of St. Peter Claver will host the annual Soul Food Feast on Sunday January 28. 10:30am to 1:30 pm in the St Jude Parish Hall Eat-in or take out is available. See the bulletin for details.
Tickets for the 3rd annual Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance will be available from the office at St. Jude beginning Tuesday. $35.00 per couple and $20.00 for a single.
Lent is just around the corner. A full schedule of masses and events will be in the bulletin in the coming weeks, but for advanced notice, they are available now on our online platforms.
Announcements for November 26th Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
The Catholic Youth of Sumter Youth Group will not meet on Sunday, November 26th.
The Religious Education program will not meet on Sunday November 26th. We will resume on Sunday December 3rd.
Please join us for the Parish wide Meeting with Bishop Guglielmone, Monday, November 27th in the Parish Hall at Saint Anne.
The Women’s Guild meeting will be Sunday, December 3rd at 1:30pm in Saint Anne Parish Hall.
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be celebrated on Sunday December 10th everyone is welcome to attend.
St. Francis Xavier High School invites you to “Karaoke and Mocktails” on December 2nd at Saint Anne Parish Hall from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. See any St. Francis Student to buy tickets or call the school!
Sumter volunteers are collecting cookies and Christmas cards to “Shower Shaw with Cookies”. Please show your support for our military community by delivering cards and cookies to the Swan Lake Visitors center by Wed, December 6th .
Church Address
1855 Beckwood Road
Sumter, South Carolina 29153
Office Address
216 East Liberty Street
Sumter, South Carolina 29150
Our Office Hours – St. Anne Location
Mon-Thu: 9:00AM – 4:00PM; Fri: 9AM-12PM
(803) 773-3524; (803) 773-9244