Announcements for The Second Sunday of Easter ~ Divine Mercy Sunday

The deadline for the Thomas B. Jenkins Scholarship has been extended until April 16, 2018.

The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary has a scholarship opportunity available. Please see the bulletin for details.

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be today, Sunday, April 8, at 1:30pm in the Saint Anne Hall. We will have election of officers for 2018-2019.  All women of the parish are invited to attend.

Religious Education, Confirmation and Youth Group resume this Sunday.

The weekend of April 14 & 15 , Fr. Timothy O’toole from Cross Catholic Outreach will be at Saint Anne and Saint Jude celebrating mass and asking for prayerful donations. Please kindly welcome Fr. O’toole.

Upcoming Events in April

Easter Insert

Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

*Join us Saturday March 31st at Saint Jude for the Blessing of the Easter Food Baskets in the Church at 11:00am.  Also, we will be decorating Easter Eggs in the Parish Hall from 11:00am to 1:00pm, in preparation for our Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning. Service hours are available for any Confirmation Students that wish to come and help. Please call the office.

*The deadline for the Thomas B. Jenkins Scholarship has been extended until April 16, 2018.

*The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary has a scholarship opportunity available. Please see the bulletin for details.

*There is No religious education or Youth Group This Weekend or Easter weekend.  Programs will resume on Sunday, April 8th.

*Join St. Francis Xavier High School for the 8th Annual Pig & Oyster Roast. Saturday, April 14  at the St. Francis Campus.  Tickets will be available from both school offices and students.


SFXHS Pig and Oyster Roast

Oyster roast

Announcements for the Fifth Sunday of Lent

*Great News for Saint Anne and Saint Jude.  The Diocese has approved the request to build a new church.  We will be entering into the beginning phases with the Building and Renovation Committee through the Diocese.  This is positive step for our community.

*Those who are interested in becoming or continuing to serve as, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion or Extraordinary minister of the Word please see the Training dates in the bulletin.

*Join us Saturday March 31st at Saint Jude for the Blessing of the Easter Food Baskets in the Church at 11:00am.  Also, we will be decorating Easter Eggs in the Parish Hall from 11:00am to 1:00pm, in preparation for our Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning.


For more information about Saint Anne and Saint Jude, please read your bulletin, check out our website, Facebook page OR download our Parish App.



Please give generously to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, which funds so many ministries in our Diocese. Thank you for your support. Watch this informative video on the Diocese of Charleston’s YouTube page:


Cada año La Campaña Anual del Obispo le pide a cada Católico en la diócesis que responda con sus oraciones, talentos y con un regalo de abnegación para apoyar esta importante suplica. Por favor, mire este video informativo en la página de YouTube de la Diócesis de Charleston:

Announcements for January 28th

The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time   

Ladies Auxiliary of St. Peter Claver will host the annual Soul Food Feast on Sunday January 28.  10:30am to 1:30 pm in the St Jude Parish Hall Eat-in or take out is available.

Please join Saint Anne and Saint Jude Catholic School and Saint Francis Xavier High School as they celebrate Catholic Schools Week.  See your bulletin for ways to support our Schools and Catholic Education in Sumter.

A mandatory parent and youth meeting to discuss the Youth Group Mission Trip to Louisiana will be held this Sunday in the Youth Building from 5:00pm to 5:30pm. This is for all High Schoolers, rising freshman through graduating seniors, who plan to attend the trip.

Tickets for the 3rd annual Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance will be available from the office at St. Jude beginning Tuesday.  $35.00 per couple and $20.00 for a single.

Lent is just around the corner. A full schedule of masses and events will be in the bulletin in the coming weeks, but for advanced notice, they are available now on our online platforms.

For more information about Saint Anne and Saint Jude, please read your bulletin, our Facebook page OR download our Parish App.