Greg Duncan, Sales & Parish Consultant from our Bulletin Publisher, is in town this week. Advertising in our bulletin is a great way to get your business information out to our Parish Community and our Sumter Community.


Donate Your Hair And Make A Major Difference

Schedule Change and Announcements for the week of July 4th

Hope Everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July. Just a few reminders and a schedule change:
*Daily Mass on Thursday, July 5 will be rescheduled to 6:00pm at Saint Anne.NOT at 8:15am. (Please pass this on)
*The Parish Office is closed on July 4th
*The Youth Group Mission Trip leaves on Saturday. Please pray for our safe journey. If you would like to donate snacks, bottles of water, etc…you can drop these off to the office Thursday or Friday. We are so grateful and appreciative of your support.

Schedule update for This Weekend. There will NOT be a Spanish Mass at St. Jude on Sunday July 1st. Pass this on

Schedule update for This Weekend. There will NOT be a Spanish Mass at St. Jude on Sunday July 1st. Pass this on!

Are you keeping up with the 521 Project Updates?

Are you keeping up with the 521 Project Updates? Head over to the ‘Our New Church’ tab to view the latest update from the Steering Committee. Be In The Know and Stay Informed.

First Annual St. Anne and St. Jude Catholic School Progressive Dinner

Thank you for your participation in our St. Anne & St. Jude Catholic School Gala. Your spiritual, physical and monetary donations were overwhelming. Thanks to you we are able to provide additional tuition assistance as well as install systems for the safety and security of our students and do some much-needed improvements to our lower school and middle school buildings.

We hope you have heard that Bishop Guglielmone has approved the unification of our two schools!!! We are going to start the renovations of St. Catherine’s Convent soon, but before we do:

Please join us for our first annual St. Anne & St. Jude Catholic School
Progressive Dinner June 2, 2018 from 6-8 pm

This adult only dinner will begin with appetizers & beverages in St. Catherine’s Convent (This is where we currently have Art and Music). We will have international and local beer and wine for a nominal charge along with tea and water.

We will also offer a selection of appetizers such as antipasto, salsa and beer cheese.

Then we will go to The Parish Hall for a BBQ and brisket dinner with all the fixin’s.

We will finish our meal with desserts from around the world in decorated classrooms.

Tickets are $25 per person and must be purchased before May 27, 2018.





Announcement from the Kairos Ministry

Cookies for Kairos for the weekend of May 4 & 5 has been cancelled. The Kairos Ministry team is grateful for the financial donations and Cookie donations that they have already received. The financial donations have been added to the treasury and will be utilized for the next Kairos weekend (date to be announced). Any Cookies that have already been purchased or baked my still be dropped off in the office. They will be frozen and used at the next Kairos weekend.