Popcorn…Popcorn…Popcorn !!!

Boy Scout Troop 86 will be selling Popcorn after ALL masses this coming weekend (October 7) This is the good stuff being sold to support a great organization!!

Our Commitment to a Safe Environment

Saint Anne and Saint Jude Roman Catholic Church is dedicated to providing a safe environment for our children to learn and practice their faith and further a love of Christ. We are committed to upholding the “National Charter for the Protection of Children & Young People” as established by the United States Council of Bishops. All adults who work with children must: 

*Complete the Safe Haven—It’s Up To You Online Program

* Be Screened by Law Enforcement (Background Screening)

* Adhere to the DOC Code of Conduct   * Read and sign the DOC Sexual Abuse Policy and Procedures.

  (Copy available in Church office, Church library, DRE office & online at www.sccatholic.org)       

Victim Assistance Coordinator, Louisa Storen, LISW is available to anyone who has questions or needs help. 843-856-0748 or 1-800-921-8122

Saint Anne and Saint Jude Roman Catholic Church will present a sexual abuse prevention program, Teaching Touching Safety, to our Religious Education students on, Sunday, October 21st with a make-up date of, Sunday, October 28th . This program is provided to us by the Diocese of Charleston and is a part of our ongoing effort to help create and maintain safe environments for all children and youth in our care. As parents, you have the right to choose whether your student participates in the program. We encourage you to read the “overview” and “lesson plan” assigned to your child’s age group to understand exactly what your child will be taught.http://tncrrg.virtus.org/touchingsafety/charleston.cfm

It is important to note, this is basic prevention education and is in no way to be considered sex education or education on private body parts. Neither of these components fall within our educational mandate to provide your child with the information needed to keep them safe from those who would do them harm.

If you wish to “opt” your child out of the prevention education session, please complete the “opt-out” form (located in your child’s registration packet) or available form the Parish Office and return it to your child’s teacher or the Office no later than, Sunday, October 7th .

Schedule of upcoming events for SASJRCC!!

We have so much going on in our Parish, just a few reminders and some bran-spankin new information!!
*Friday, September 28th 6:00pm at St. Jude The first ever Filipino mass at SASJRCC. EVERYONE is welcome. Fellowship to follow.
*Tuesday, October 2nd 6:30pm – Parish Picnic/ Stewardship Committee Meeting St. Jude Conference Room.
*Saturday, October 6th – St. Anne Outdoor Facility Maintenance Day. 9:00am until….
*Saturday, October 13th – Rosary Rally at the old Court House 12:00pm Bring the entire family.
Please check out the parish calendar. It is available on the Parish App as well as on our website

Fr. Noly’s Farewell Mass & Pot Luck Reception

Hey Y’all!! Don’t forget that Fr. Noly’s Farewell Mass is this Sunday, September 23rd at 5:00pm at St. Jude. THEN come over to the Parish Hall at Saint Anne for a Pot Luck reception. This is our opportunity to wish him well and celebrate all that Fr. Noly has meant to SASJRCC over the past 3 years!! Be There and bring your tastiest dish to share!!

Hurricane Florence Update #2 (September 13, 2018) 

Daily Mass will not be celebrated on Friday, September 14 OR Saturday, September 15.
The Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses WILL be celebrated at the regular schedule.

Nevertheless “Due to the forecasted impact of Hurricane Florence, and the unpredictable track of the storm, Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone has granted a dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation on Sept. 15 (Vigil) and Sunday, Sept. 16, for all Catholics living in the Diocese of Charleston. This dispensation is granted because the state of emergency may prevent them from getting to their church or conditions pose a danger to their safety.”

*All Faith Formation Programs (Religious Ed, Adult Bible Study at Saint Jude, and Catholic Youth of Sumter- Youth Group) WILL NOT MEET.

Let’s all stay safe and prayerful.

Hurricane Florence Update #1

The Holy Hour and The Mass of Unity and Healing WILL be celebrated tonight (September 12, 2018) beginning 6:00pm at the Saint Anne Location

*The Office at Saint Anne and Saint Jude will close Thursday at 12:00 noon. We will be closed through Friday.

*For SACRAMENTAL EMERGENCIES the number for the Rectory is (803) 934-1204.

*The Emergency Shelter on West Oakland will open at Noon on Thursday and will remain open all day on Friday.

*Below are links to Sumter Emergency Management as well as a link for Emergency Shelters for the State. Currently, Mayewood Middle School is open in Sumter County



Please continue to check the Website, Facebook pages or our Parish App.  We will keep you all informed as more information is available.  Please stay safe.

Some exciting additions to the monthly schedule

Some exciting additions to the monthly schedule:
*Wednesday, September 12th  6:00pm Adoration at St. Anne and 7:00pm Mass of Unity and Healing for our Catholic Church
* Sunday September 23rd 5:00pm Fr. Noly’s farewell mass at St. Jude. Reception to follow at the St. Anne Parish Hall
*Friday, September 28th 6:00pm at St. Jude The first ever Filipino mass at SASJRCC EVERYONE is welcome. Fellowship to follow.

Please check out the parish calendar. It is available on the Parish App as well as on our Website.

End of Summer Pool Party & Pizza Pig Out!!

Hey parents!! With the start of school comes the start of Religious Education. This year our day, time and location stay the same. But our curriculum has changed. We are now using Gospel Weeklies from Pflaum Publishing. This program follows the year of the church. So your child’s curriculum will be timely and on target with the Gospel message that they will hear in Mass. This program also has an awesome Online resource for parents to use at home. I love this program and am super excited to get your reactions. Check it out at http://www.pflaumweeklies.com/parents/ Below I have posted the Open Registration dates and Our Calendar for the year!!

religious ed postSJRCC FF Calendar 2018-2019