Congratulations to Saint Anne and Saint Jude Catholic School for winning the SCISA Regional Quiz Bowl.. The school will now host the SCISA STATE Quiz Bowl on Wednesday, February 13th. Well Done SASJCS!! Pictured: Mr. Dan Spivey and the SASJCS Quiz Bowl Team “Blowing off some steam after a well earned victory”

Announcements for the weekend of February 10, 2019

With permission from the Bishop of Charleston, until further notice, we will not have Communion from the Cup.  This is to lessen the spread of the Flu. 

CONGRATULATIONS to St Anne and St Jude Catholic School for winning the SCISA regional quiz bowl.  They will be hosting the SCISA STATE Quiz Bowl this Wednesday, Feb. 13th at St. Anne and St. Jude School. 

Knights of Columbus will be having their Annual Italian Dinner on Saturday, February 23, 2019 at St. Anne Parish Hall from 5:30-9:00 PM.  Please check out the flyer in this weekend bulletin for more information.  

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be Sunday, February 10th at the Saint Anne Parish Center from 1:30-3:00 PM.  All Ladies of the Parish are welcome. 

We STRONGLY urge you to check your bulletin.  There are several activities coming up and we don’t want you to miss out!!

Announcements for the weekend of February 3, 2019

It is tax time again!  Please contact Nicole in the Parish Office for your tax donation statements. 

The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, February 7th for a diocesan training session.  We will reopen on Friday, February 8th. 

Get your tickets now for our 4th Annual St. Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance on Saturday, Feb. 9th from 7-10 PM at St Anne Parish Hall.  This Catered Dinner will be served to you by members of the Catholic Youth of Sumter.  Check your bulletin for more details. 

St Anne and St Jude Stewardship Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, February 5th at 6:30 pm in the Conference room at St Jude’s.  If you are interested, please plan on attending. 

We STRONGLY urge you to check your bulletin.  There are several activities coming up and we don’t want you to miss out!!

Belonging: A Catholic Conference for Women In the Diocese of Charleston

FEB  23

Belonging: A Catholic Conference for Women In the Diocese of Charleston

A full day conference for the women of the Diocese of Charleston.

Includes: Keynote speakers, Sonja Corbitt, Workshops, Holy Hour and Rosary, Vendors, Catered Lunch, Musical Entertainment, Confession, and Mass with Bishop Guglielmone.

And lots of time for fellowship and fun with other women.

Coming with a group? $30 a person. You must register together with the form provided here:

Holy Land Tour

Our Adorno Fathers have organized a Holy Land Pilgrimage for June and the brochure is attached.  A couple of points that are either not in the brochure or are hard to find:

Dates: June 3-13, 2019

Priests: Our own Father Rufino, Fr. Ryan (Spartanburg) and Fr. Nony (Lodi, NJ) are accompanying the group

Cost: $3,100 per person includes round trip airfare from Charlotte to New York and then to Tel Aviv

See the brochure for more details, including passport requirements.

They need a headcount absolutely no later than February 20, 2019. Call Fr. Ryan at Jesus Christ Our Risen Savior, Parish Office: (864) 576-1164

The Reservation Coupon (from the brochure), copies of passports, and $400 deposit per person needs to be in Fr. Nony’s hands absolutely no later than February 25, 2019.


Announcements for the weekend of January 27, 2019

It is tax time again!  Please contact Nicole in the Parish Office for your tax donation statements. 

Please have all announcements to the office no later than Thursday afternoon for the following weekend.  Thank you for your assistance. 

Get your tickets now for our 4th Annual St. Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance on Saturday, Feb. 9th from 7-10 PM at St Anne Parish Hall.  This Catered Dinner will be served to you by members of the Catholic Youth of Sumer.  Check your bulletin for more details. 

The Sisters of St. Mary Namur are celebrating their 200th anniversary.  Sr. Mary Veronica and Sr. Corinne will be here this weekend.  There will be a preliminary planning meeting to start planning the celebration on Sunday, January 27 at 2PM in the St. Jude Parish Hall. 

Are you new to the area or is this your first time at St. Anne St Jude?  We would love to get to know you.  Please come by the office to register and check out our ministries to see what we have available for you and your family.

Sr. Mary Veronica and Sr. Corinne

The Sisters of St. Mary Namur are celebrating their 200th anniversary. Sr. Mary Veronica and Sr. Corinne will be here next weekend. They are looking for people to help plan this Anniversary celebration. There will be a preliminary planning meeting on Sunday, January 27  at 2:00pm in the Parish Hall at St. Jude. Everyone is welcome.

2nd Annual Progressive Dinner!!

Coming up this Weekend!! Saturday January 26th, 2019 The Saint Anne and Saint Jude Catholic School will hold their 2nd annual Progressive Dinner!! An evening of Americana. Appetizers, beer and wine from the United States, Brisket and pulled pork with sides and delicious desserts. $25 per person, adults only please. Call the school office As soon as possible to reserve your spot!!

Announcements for the weekend of January 20, 2019

There will be NO Religious Ed classes on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.  Classes will resume on Jan. 27, 2019. 

The Parish office will be closed on Monday, January 21st.  We will reopen on Tuesday, January 22nd. 

The Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver invite you to join them for a reception to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Sunday, January 20th in the St. Jude Parish Hall following the 9:15 am Mass.  All are welcome. 

Everyone is invited on Friday, January 25th to St. Anne for the Mass and celebration of the Feast of Santo Nino.  You are invited to bring your images and statues of the infant Jesus to be blessed.  A fellowship will follow.  All are encouraged to attend. 

It is tax time again!  Please contact Nicole in the Parish Office for your tax donation statements. 

K of C Free throw Championship will be Saturday, January 26th from 3-5 PM for boys and girls 9-14 years old at the Sumter YMCA.  Winners go to district and state level competition.