Announcements for the weekend of March 31, 2019

There will be a facility clean up at St. Anne on Saturday, April 6th from 9:30am-12:00 pm.  Please bring gloves, tools and rakes.  Water will be provided. 

Come join us for a Parish Lenten Mission Saturday, April 6th thru Tuesday, April 9th at St. Anne.  Fr. Kenneth Masong will be the guest speaker.  Confession will be offered on Monday and Tuesday from 6-7 PM.  Mission will begin at 7:00PM in the church.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

Bring in a pot of your favorite Meatless Soup and Bread to share at 6:30 pm at the Parish Hall following the 6 pm Stations of the Cross at St. Anne.  The Soup & Bread Supper goes by the First Initial of Your Last Name.  April 5th the letters are T-Z.  We hope that everyone will participate in this Lenten tradition. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, April 14th at 1:30 PM in the Saint Anne Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

Please check your bulletin or parish app for Holy Week Mass times and location.

Announcements for the weekend of March 24, 2019

THANK YOU to all who came out for the Knights of Columbus St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance and Silent Auction.  

Come join us for a Parish Lenten Mission Saturday, April 6th thru Tuesday, April 9th at St. Anne.  Fr. Kenneth Masong will be the guest speaker.  Confession will be offered on Monday and Tuesday from 6-7 PM.  Mission will begin at 7:00PM in the church.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

Bring in a pot of your favorite Meatless Soup and Bread to share at 6:30 pm at the Parish Hall following the 6 pm Stations of the Cross at St. Anne.  The Soup & Bread Supper goes by the First Initial of Your Last Name.  March 29th the letters are P-S.  We hope that everyone will participate in this Lenten tradition. 

The Ladies of Peter Claver will be collecting donations for the local Women’s Shelter for the month of March.  Please check your bulletin for donation ideas.  Collection boxes are in the back of the church at both locations. 

Please check your bulletin or parish app for Holy Week Mass times and location.

Choir Practice for Easter!! Calling all musicians and vocalists….anyone who wants to participate in the Easter Choir. Practice will be held TOMORROW (Tuesday) at 7:00pm in Saint Anne Church. EVERYONE is welcome to join and participate!!

choir practice

Announcements for the weekend of March 17, 2019

THANK YOU to all who turned out for Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner hosted by St. Anne and St. Jude Catholic School.  It was a HUGE success! 

CONGRATULATIONS to all the Candidates and Catechumens who went through the Rite of Election at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Chapin, SC.  Check out the pictures on page 2 of the bulletin. 

Bring in a pot of your favorite Meatless Soup and Bread to share at 6:30 pm at the Parish Hall following the 6 pm Stations of the Cross at St. Anne.  The Soup & Bread Supper goes by the First Initial of Your Last Name.  March 22nd the letters are K-O.  We hope that everyone will participate in this Lenten tradition. 

The Ladies of Peter Claver will be collecting donations for the local Women’s Shelter for the month of March.  Please check your bulletin for donation ideas.  Collection boxes are in the back of the church at both locations.

Announcements for the weekend of March 10, 2019

The Knights of Columbus Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance and Silent Auction is March 16th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  There will be a Knight outside after Mass selling tickets.  Tickets are $20 per person and proceeds benefit St. Anne and St. Jude School and Operation Columbus HOPE. 

Lenten Fish Fry sponsored by KPC will be Friday, March 15th from 11:00am-5:00pm at Saint Jude location.  Tickets are $9.00 Per Person.  Please place your order in advance. 

Bring in a pot of your favorite Meatless Soup and Bread to share at 6:30 pm at the Parish Hall following the 6 pm Stations of the Cross at St. Anne.  The Soup & Bread Supper goes by the First Initial of Your Last Name.  March 15th the letters are F-J.  We hope that everyone will participate in this Lenten tradition. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the Students of Saint Anne and Saint Jude Catholic School who were inducted into the BETA Club last week.  Check out the photos on page 2 of your bulletin. 

The Ladies of Peter Claver will be collecting donations for the local Women’s Shelter for the month of March.  Please check your bulletin for donation ideas.  Collection boxes are in the back of the church at both locations.

Announcements for the weekend of March 3, 2019

Thank you to everyone who turned out for the Annual Black History Month Celebration and Knights of Columbus Italian Dinner.  They were a HUGE success. 

St. Anne School will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner at 5:30 PM in the Parish Hall on March 5th.  This is an All-You-Care-To-Eat Pancake and orange juice dinner.  Tickets are $5 per person and can purchased in advance.  

The Knights of Columbus Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance and Silent Auction is March 16th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  There will be a Knight outside after Mass selling tickets.  Tickets are $20 per person and proceeds benefit St. Anne and St. Jude School and Operation Columbus HOPE. 

Please check your bulletin on page 3 for Ash Wednesday Mass times and locations.


Lenten Fish Fry

fish fry

Announcements for the weekend of February 24, 2019

St. Anne School will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner at 5:30 PM in the Parish Hall on March 5th.  This is an All-You-Care-To-Eat Pancake and orange juice dinner.  Tickets are $5 per person and can purchased in advance.  See insert for more information.

You are invited to the Annual Black History Month Celebration on Sunday, Feb. 24th at St Jude from 2:30-4:30 pm.  Join us for this culturally enriching experience.  A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. 

SAVE THE DATE, Saturday March 16th for the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance hosted by the Knights of Columbus.  See any Knight for more details.

Announcements for the weekend of February 17, 2019

In your bulletin this weekend is the Parish Financial Report for the second quarter.  Please make every effort to review it. 

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, February 18th in observance of President’s Day.  Enjoy your three day weekend.  We will reopen on Tuesday, Feb. 19th. 

Last week’s Valentine Dinner Dance was a hit.  Check out the photos on page two. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the St. Anne and St. Jude Catholic School for winning the regional quiz bowl competition.  They performed admirably at the State Competition.  Check out the pictures on the first page of the bulletin. 

You are invited to the Annual Black History Month Celebration sponsored by Knights and Ladies of St Peter Claver on Sunday, Feb. 24th at St Jude from 2:30-4:30 pm.  A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. 

Hey there Parishioners- we want to see how well you are paying attention.  There is an error in this weekend’s bulletin- find it and bring it to the office for a treat!!!