Announcements for the weekend of May 12, 2019

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

The Knights of Columbus will be holding a membership drive for men 18 years and older the weekends of May 19th and June 16th.  See any Knight for details. 

There will be a training and meeting of the Ministry of the Homebound on Tuesday, May 21st at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  Please call the Parish Office for more information. 

Ministry on Hospitality will hold a recruitment and training on Friday, May 24th at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  This is for Ushers, Church Greeters, Mass Collections and First Responders. 

The Knights of St. Peter Claver invite all of the ladies in our parish to a Mother’s Day Breakfast.  Please join them on Sunday, May 12th in St. Jude’s cafeteria after the 9:15 AM Mass. 

There will be NO RE Classes or Youth Group on Sunday, May 12th.  RE will resume on Sunday, May 19th for our End of Year Ice Cream Social.

Announcements for the weekend of May 5, 2019

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

There will be a training and meeting of the Ministry of the Homebound on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  Please call the Parish Office for more information. 

Ministry on Hospitality will hold a recruitment and training on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  This is for Ushers, Church Greeters, Mass Collections and First Responders. 

There will be NO RE Classes or Youth Group on Sunday, May 12th.  RE will resume on Sunday, May 19th for our End of Year Ice Cream Social. 

There will be Communion Services at 7:00am Monday-Wednesday May 6 – May 8.  No Adoration on Tuesday, May 7. 

Please continue to pray for the Kairos weekend.  It ends Sunday afternoon.

Announcements for the weekend of April 28, 2019

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

Cookies for Kairos are due no later than May 1, 2019.  They can be dropped off at St. Anne office.  Please bake and pray for the success of this Ministry. 

Tickets for the St. Anne St. Jude School Gala on May 3rd are now available.  They are $30 per person in advance and $35 the day of the event.  Please call or stop by the School office to reserve yours today. 

There will be a training and meeting of the Ministry of the Homebound on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  Please call the Parish Office for more information. 

Ministry on Hospitality will hold a recruitment and training on Friday, May 24, 2019 at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  This is for Ushers, Church Greeters, Mass Collections and First Responders.

Easter Flowers 2019

Easter Flowers 2019 1

Announcements for Holy Week and Easter 2019

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

Cookies for Kairos are due no later than May 1, 2019.  They can be dropped off at St. Anne office.  Please bake and pray for the success of this Ministry. 

Join us at 10:30 am after the 9:15 am Mass for an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.  There will be Coffee and Pastries for the Adults.  Bring your own baskets and join us for some fun and fellowship!! 

Tickets for the St. Anne St. Jude School Gala on May 3rd are now available.  They are $30 per person in advance and $35 the day of the event.  Please call or stop by the School office to reserve yours today. 

There will be a training and meeting of the Ministry of the Homebound on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  Please call the Parish Office for more information.

Announcements for the weekend of April 14, 2019

Cookies for Kairos are due no later than May 1, 2019.  They can be dropped off at St. Anne office.  Please bake and pray for the success of this Ministry. 

There will be NO Religious Education on Sunday, April 21st.  Also there will be NO Youth Group on April 14th and 21st.  Youth Group and RE classes will resume on Sunday, April 28th. 

Join us at St. Jude Parish Hall Cafeteria to dye and decorate Easter Eggs on Saturday, April 20th form 11:00am-1:00pm.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.  This event is for the whole family!! 

There will be a Blessing of Easter Food Baskets on Holy Saturday, April 20, 2019 from 11:00am-12:00pm at St. Jude Church. 

Tickets for the St. Anne St. Jude School Gala on May 3rd are now available.  They are $30 per person in advance and $35 the day of the event.  Please call or stop by the School office to reserve yours today. 

Please check your bulletin or parish app for Holy Week Mass times and location.


*Saturday, April 13 – Morning Mass

*Saturday, April 13 – Morning Mass will be celebrated at SAINT JUDE at 8:15am. Please let your friends and neighbors know.

Announcements for the weekend of April 7, 2019

Come join us for a Parish Lenten Mission Monday April 8th and Tuesday, April 9th at St. Anne.  Fr. Kenneth Masong will be the guest speaker.  Confession will be offered from 6-7 PM on both days.  Mission will begin at 7:00PM in the church.  

The Light House Kiosk is filled with helpful and interesting information about confession, Lent and Easter, including material for youth and children. Take time to look over the CDs and books to make this sacred time of our church year more meaningful for you and your family. 

Join us at St. Jude Parish Hall Cafeteria to dye and decorate Easter Eggs on Saturday, April 20th form 11:00am-1:00pm.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.  This event is for the whole family!! 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, April 14th at 1:30 PM in the Saint Anne Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

Please check your bulletin or parish app for Holy Week Mass times and location.

Facility Clean -up Saturday, April 6

Grab your work gloves, rakes, and shovels and come on out Saturday, April 6th to the Saint Anne location for an outdoor clean up day starting at 9:30am. Water, snacks, and lunch will be provided.  Big hands…small hands…MANY hands make light work!!