Father’s Day Novena 2019

Fathers Day 2019

Announcements for the weekend of June 16, 2019

The Knights of Columbus will be holding a membership drive for men 18 years and older this weekend.  See any Knight for details. 

Come join us for ROAR VBS Tuesday, July 23rd thru Friday, July 26th at St. Anne location. Life is wild and God is good!!  If you would like to Volunteer, please contact the Parish office.  A full description of the program and registration forms are available on the Parish Website and in the office. 

The Ladies of St. Peter Clavier will host a Father’s Day Breakfast after the 9:15 AM Mass for all of the men of the parish this Sunday at St. Jude in the cafeteria.   

We are looking for a few volunteers willing to help with Lawn Maintenance or indoor Maintenance at St. Anne and St. Jude.  Please contact Dave Marcella if you have the time or talent to give to the church. 

Just a reminder- all checks for the It’s Time Campaign must be made out to CCFSC-Bicentennial Campaign- NOT St. Anne and St. Jude.   Please check this week’s insert for more information.

ROAR Vacation Bible School VBS 2019

SASJ Roar Flyer

Announcements for the weekend of June 9, 2019

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

The Knights of Columbus will be holding a membership drive for men 18 years and older the weekend of June 16th.  See any Knight for details. 

Come join us for ROAR VBS Tuesday, July 23rd thru Friday, July 26th at St. Anne location. Life is wild and God is good!!  If you would like to Volunteer, please contact the Parish office.  A full description of the program and registration forms are available on the Parish Website and in the office. 

The Ladies of St. Peter Clavier will host a Father’s Day Breakfast after the 9:15 AM Mass for all of the men of the parish on June 16, 2019 at St. Jude in the cafeteria.   

We are looking for a few volunteers willing to help with Lawn Maintenance or indoor Maintenance at St. Anne and St. Jude.  Please contact Dave Marcella if you have the time or talent to give to the church.

The It’s Time Campaign Prayer

Campaign Prayer

Announcements for the weekend of June 2, 2019

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

The Knights of Columbus will be holding a membership drive for men 18 years and older the weekend of June 16th.  See any Knight for details. 

Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the Building of Our New Church on Sunday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm in St. Anne Parish Hall.  Don’t miss this important meeting!!! 

Come join us for ROAR VBS Tuesday, July 23rd thru Friday, July 26th at St. Anne location. Life is wild and God is good!!  If you would like to Volunteer, please contact the Parish office.  A full description of the program and registration forms are available on the Parish Website and in the office. 

We Need Your Help!!  We are looking for a few volunteers willing to help with Lawn Maintenance or Indoor Maintenance at St. Anne and St. Jude.  Please contact Dave Marcella if you have the time or talent to give to the church.

Announcements for the weekend May 26, 2019

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, May 28th. 

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

The Knights of Columbus will be holding a membership drive for men 18 years and older the weekend of June 16th.  See any Knight for details. 

Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting to discuss the Building of Our New Church on Sunday, June 2nd at 6:00 pm in St. Anne Parish Hall.  Don’t miss this important meeting!!! 

The Women’s Guild Retreat will be held on Saturday, June 1st from 9:30-1:00.  For more information, please call Joan Mudd. 

Come join us for ROAR VBS Tuesday, July 23rd thru Friday, July 26th at St. Anne location. Life is wild and God is good!!  If you would like to Volunteer, please contact the Parish office.  A full description of the program and registration forms are available on the Parish Website and in the office.


Announcements for the weekend of May 19, 2019

Graduation Season is upon us and several of our young adults will be moving to college campuses across the country.  Let us know where your young adult will be attending college so we can guide them to the Catholic ministry on campus.  

The Knights of Columbus will be holding a membership drive for men 18 years and older the weekends of May 19th and June 16th.  See any Knight for details. 

There will be a training and meeting of the Ministry of the Homebound on Tuesday, May 21st at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  Please call the Parish Office for more information. 

Ministry on Hospitality will hold a recruitment and training on Friday, May 24th at 6:00 PM at St. Jude’s Library.  This is for Ushers, Church Greeters, Mass Collections and First Responders. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, May 19th at 1:30 pm in St. Anne’s Parish Hall.  They will have installation of officers.  This is the last meeting of the season.  All Ladies of the Parish are invited to attend. 

Religious Education will be having our End of Year Ice Cream Social on Sunday, May 19th.  This will be our last class for the year.  Have a safe summer!!

Mother’s Day Novena 2019

Mothers Day 2019