Collection for those affected by natural disasters

Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone has authorized a second collection to assist those affected by the fires in Australia, the volcano eruption in the Philippines, and the earthquake in Puerto Rico. The collection at Saint Anne and Saint Jude will take place the weekend of January 25 & 26.

As we mourn those who have lost their lives in these terrible events, we must also join in prayer and action as a Catholic community.

This Sunday’s second reading from 1 Corinthians reminds us that “all those everywhere who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours,” must act for our brothers and sisters by sharing what we can.

Announcements for the weekend of January 19, 2020

With permission from the Bishop of Charleston, until further notice, we will NOT have Communion from the Cup.  This is to lessen the spread of the Flu. 

There will be NO Religious Ed classes this Sunday in observance of Martin Luther King Day.  Classes will resume on Jan. 26th.  Confirmation and Youth Group will meet at their normal times. 

The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary and The Women’s Guild of St. Anne and St. Jude are hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 26th from 9:00- 11:30am in St. Anne Parish Hall.  This is NOT a fundraiser or membership drive!! 

St. Anne and St. Jude School is hosting their 3rd annual Progressive Dinner on Sat., Jan. 25th at 5:30 pm.  Tickets are $25 per person.  Please call the school office. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call the Parish office or email Nicole to request your statement.  Statements will be available beginning January 20th. 

In their third session on the first 500 years of the Church, the St. Anne & St. Jude Adult Education group looks at the internal threats faced by the Church after surviving external persecutions. For more information, check your bulletin.

Announcements for January 12, 2020

The Knights of Columbus is holding a Free Throw Championship on Jan. 18th at 2 PM for kids 9-14 years old at the Sumter YMCA.  Registration starts at 1:30 PM.  Hope to see you there!! 

There will be NO Religious Ed or Confirmation classes on January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.  Classes will resume on Jan. 26th. 

The Women’s Guild will hold its Annual YARD SALE on January 18th from 7-11 am.  Donation can still be dropped off at St Anne Parish Hall.  

The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary and The Women’s Guild of St. Anne and St. Jude are hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 26th from 9:00- 11:30am in St. Anne Parish Hall.  All are welcome! 

St. Anne and St. Jude School is hosting their 3rd annual Progressive Dinner on Sat., Jan. 25th at 5:30 pm.  Tickets are $25 per person.  Please call the school office. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call the Parish office or email Nicole to request your statement.  Statements will be available beginning January 20, 2020. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed group continues it examination of the first 500 years of the Church by looking at the Church during times of persecution.  For more information, check your bulletin.  

Announcements for the weekend of January 5, 2020

With permission from the Bishop of Charleston, until further notice, we will NOT have Communion from the Cup.  This is to lessen the spread of the Flu. 

Religious Ed and Confirmation classes resume this Sunday, Jan. 5th. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, January 12th at 1:30 PM in the Saint Anne Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

The Women’s Guild will hold its Annual YARD SALE on January 18th from 7-11 am.  Donation can be dropped off at St Anne Parish Hall starting January 11th.  

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call the Parish office or email Nicole to request your statement.  Statements will be available beginning January 20, 2020. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed group begins a new series today focusing on the first 500 years of the Church. Join them as they begin by examining the immediate inheritors of Christ’s teaching passed on by the Apostles. For more information, check your bulletin.

Announcements for the weekend of December 29, 2019

The Parish Office will be closing at noon on December 31st for New Years.  We will reopen on January 2nd.  Have a safe and Happy New Years!! 

There will be NO Religious Ed and Confirmation classes on Dec. 29th.  Classes will resume on Jan. 5th. 

Liturgical Ministers- please check your emails, especially for holiday Masses. 

Have you registered with St. Anne St. Jude yet or has it been awhile since you updated your information??   We want to know.  Please call the office or visit the church website to update your current information. 

This Sunday SASJ Adult Ed Group wraps up our special Advent program as we complete our examination of St. Benedict and his role in both Church and personal devotion.  Starting next week, we begin a new series focusing on the first 500 years of the church.  Everybody is invited to join us.

Announcements for Christmas 2019

The Parish Office will be closed for Christmas from December 24th through December 27th.  We will reopen on Monday, December 30th. 

There will be NO Religious Ed and Confirmation classes on Sunday, Dec. 29th.  Classes will resume on Jan. 5th. 

Liturgical Ministers- please check your emails, especially for holiday Masses

Announcements for the weekend of December 22, 2019

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses now through Monday.  Confession will start at 5 pm each day during the week followed by Mass at 6 pm.  Normal Mass times on the weekend.  A POT LUCK reception and fellowship will follow each Mass.  Check your bulletin for more details. 

Just a reminder- Wrapped Gifts for Neighbors Helping Neighbors need to be returned to the Parish Office by Sunday for distribution before Christmas!!  Thank you for your generosity. 

Don’t forget to join us for the Youth Ministry Christmas Party on this Sunday at 6:15 PM in the Youth Group Building.  Young adults are also welcome to attend.  There will be food, games and fun!!  Check the bulletin for more details. 

There will be NO Religious Ed and Confirmation classes on Dec. 22nd and 29th.  Classes will resume on Jan. 5th. 

Liturgical Ministers- please check your emails, especially for holiday Masses. 

Our special Advent program will NOT meet on December 22nd.  We will resume for our final session on December 29th.


Announcements for the weekend of December 15, 2019

SASJ NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS:  Gift tags are now in the back of both churches.  Gifts need to be returned to the Parish Office by December 22nd. 

Join the Knights of Columbus for Breakfast with Santa, Saturday, December 21st from 9:30am to 11:00am in the St Anne Parish Hall.  Come have your picture taken with Santa!! 

Attention ALL 6th thru 9th graders- Come join us for the Youth Ministry Christmas Party on Sunday, December 22nd at 6:15 PM in the Youth Group Building.  There will be food, games and fun!! 

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses starting Dec. 15th through 23rd.  Confession will start at 5 pm each day during the week followed by Mass at 6 pm.  Normal Mass times on the weekend.  A POT LUCK reception and fellowship will follow each Mass.  Check your bulletin for more details. 

Much as in our own day, St. Benedict saw the decline of secular culture and realized that only the Light that is Jesus could counter what was happening. Join us as we continue our special Advent program. The session will be presented twice: once after the 8:00 AM Mass and again this afternoon beginning at 1:30 PM. Both sessions are held in the St. Anne Adult Ed room.

Announcements for the weekend of December 8, 2019

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be this Sunday at 1:30 PM in the Saint Anne Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

The Feast on Immaculate Conception is on Monday, December 9th.  It is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation.  Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 AM in St. Jude. 

The Celebration for Our Lady of Guadalupe will be on Thursday, December 12th at St. Anne’s beginning at 6:00pm with Rosary and Procession.  Our Lady Teatro Play will be at 6:30 pm followed by a Mass and reception.  Everyone is invited!! 

The Knights of St. Peter Claver and the KPC Ladies Auxiliary are hosting the annual Senior Luncheon on Saturday, December 14th from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm in the St. Jude Cafeteria. This is for those in the community who are 60 years old and over. Space is limited so get there early. 

The special Advent program continues its examination of St. Augustine. In this session, we tie together the various aspects of his conversion to reveal his fulfillment in Christ. The session will be presented twice: once after the 8:00 AM Mass and again at 1:30 PM in the St. Anne Adult Ed room.