Announcements for the weekend of March 8, 2020

With permission from the Bishop of Charleston, until further notice, we will not have the “handshake/kiss of peace”.   This is due to the continued presence of the flu and the global concern about the rapid spread of the coronavirus. 

We will have a special Lenten Mission of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  It will be every Tuesday of Lent at St Jude’s Church starting at 7:30 AM.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

The Knights of Columbus Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance and Silent Auction is March 14th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Join the Knights for a traditional Irish/American dinner and dancing.   Tickets are $20 per person and proceeds benefit the Knights Pro-Life activities. 

Bring in a pot of your favorite Meatless Soup and Bread to share at 6:30 pm at the Parish Hall following the 6 pm Stations of the Cross at St. Anne.   We hope that everyone will participate in this Lenten tradition.  The Soup & Bread Supper goes by the First Initial of Your Last Name.  Please see the bulletin for the list for your scheduled evening. 

In our special Lenten program, the Sunday Adult Education Group looks at Journeying Back to God.   Sessions start at 1:30 PM in the St. Anne Adult Ed Room.

Stations of the Cross and Soup & Bread Supper

Tonight at 6:00pm begins the presentation of the Stations of the Cross in the Saint Anne Location. A traditional Soup and Bread Supper will follow at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall.  If your last name begins with the letters (A-E) Tonight is your night to provide a pot of meatless soup to share. Happy Lent !!

Announcements for the weekend of March 1, 2020

With permission from the Bishop of Charleston, until further notice, we will not have the “handshake/kiss of peace”.   This is due to the continued presence of the flu and the global concern about the rapid spread of the coronavirus. 

If your have completed your BAA pledge envelope, please include it with your offertory. 

We will have a special Lenten Mission of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  It will be every Tuesday of Lent at St Jude’s Church starting at 7:30 AM.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

Bring in a pot of your favorite Meatless Soup and Bread to share at 6:30 pm at the Parish Hall following the 6 pm Stations of the Cross at St. Anne.   We hope that everyone will participate in this Lenten tradition.  The Soup & Bread Supper goes by the First Initial of Your Last Name.  Please see the bulletin for the list for your scheduled evening. 

The Sunday Adult Ed Group starts a special Lenten program devoted to Christian Spirituality.   Sessions start at 1:30 PM in the St. Anne Adult Ed Room

Announcements for the weekend of February 23, 2020

In Honor of Black History Month, we celebrate the life and accomplishments of Ernest A. Finney, Jr.  Please read your bulletin for more information. 

Please check your bulletin for Ash Wednesday Mass times and locations. 

St. Anne and St. Jude School will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner at 5:00 PM in the St. Anne Parish Hall on February 25th.  This is an All-You-Care-To-Eat Pancake and orange juice dinner.  Tickets are $5 per person and can purchased in advance.  See your bulletin for more information. 

A Catholic Conference for Women in South Carolina will be held Saturday, February 29, at St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Greenville, SC. It is for all the women in our diocese. Please read the bulletin for more information. 

In the Final Session, the St. Anne and St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed group examines our own debt to the Patristic Era.  See your bulletin for more information.

Announcements for the weekend of February 16, 2020

Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, February 19th for training.  We will reopen on Thursday, February 20th. 

In Honor of Black History Month, we celebrate the life and accomplishments of Shirley Anita Chisholm.   Please read your bulletin for more information. 

St. Anne and St. Jude School will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner at 5:00 PM in the St. Anne Parish Hall on February 25th.  This is an All-You-Care-To-Eat Pancake and orange juice dinner.  Tickets are $5 per person and can purchased in advance.  See your bulletin for more information. 

A Catholic Conference for Women in South Carolina will be held Saturday, February 29, at St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Greenville, SC. It is for all the women in our diocese. Please read the bulletin for more information. 

The St. Anne and St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed group looks at Pope Leo the Great who presided over the council which declared Christ’s human and divine natures.  See your bulletin for more information.

Fake Emails or Text Messages

Parish family! Another round of fake emails and now also text messages are being circulated by scammers impersonating Fr. Gio! If you get one, Do Not Respond!PLEASE be aware that NONE of our priests, Deacons or Brothers will contact you asking for favors or money! If you receive any communication that is suspicious PLEASE call the office to report it. These scams are happening all over the country. Again our clergy will never contact you by email or text message asking for money or favors.

Announcements for the weekend of February 9, 2020

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be this Sunday at 1:30 PM in the Saint Anne Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

Get your Tickets Now for the Youth Ministry St. Valentine’s Day Dinner/ Dance on Saturday, February 15th.   This Catered Dinner will be served to you by members of the Catholic Youth of Sumter.  Tickets are $25 or $40 per couple. 

The High School Diocesan Youth Conference will be on March 6th-8th at the White Oak Conference Center.  Registration forms MUST be turned in to Father Rufino or Nicole by Monday!!  

The St. Anne and St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed group continues its examination of the First 500 years of the Church.   Today’s session looks at St. Augustine of Hippo.   For more information, check your bulletin.

Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2020

English Version

Spanish Version

For well over 50 years, our diocese, through its parishes, schools, and ministries, has enjoyed serving and supporting people of South Carolina.  We support our parish, but it’s important to reach out beyond our walls.  A gift to the 2020 Bishop’s Annual Appeal helps address the needs of our entire diocesan family, Catholic or not, which includes all of South Carolina.

Part of our responsibility as Christian stewards is giving back financially. As stewards, we are called to give of our time through service and prayer, our talents through work and ministry, and our treasure by supporting our Church and our brothers and sisters in Christ who need us. Participating in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal is an opportunity to practice living out stewardship of our treasure.

The Appeal supports Catholic Charities, funding for retired priests, youth ministry, outreach ministries to the poor, formation for our seminarians, college campus ministries, and so much more.

The Youth of Saint Anne and Saint Jude have benefitted significantly through participation in Diocese Sponsored  Events. Check out the BAA Video link above and you will see the familiar faces of some of our Youth AND Adorno Priests from South Carolina.  We are an active part of this Diocese. They make it possible for us to educate our Children, Youth and Young Adults in the Faith and keep the light of Christ shining in them ALL.

This year, we have a parish goal of raising $ 37,931 over the next ten months.

Announcements for the weekend of January 31, 2020

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, February 9th, at 1:30 PM in the Saint Anne Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

Save the Date- the Youth Ministry will hold their St. Valentine’s Day Dinner/ Dance fundraiser on Saturday, February 15th.  Tickets are available in the Parish Office or from any Youth Group Core Leader.  Check your bulletin for more information. 

The High School Diocesan Youth Conference will be on March 6th-8th at the White Oak Conference Center.  Registration forms MUST be turned in to Father Rufino or Nicole by February 10th.  

The St. Anne and St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed group continues to examine the First 500 years of the Church.  Today’s session looks at the Council of Ephesus.   For more information, check your bulletin.

Announcements for the weekend of January 26, 2020

Bishop Robert Guglielmone has authorized a second collection to assist those affected by the fires in Australia, the volcano eruption in the Philippines, and the earthquake in Puerto Rico. The collection will be taken up this weekend at all Masses. 

Just a Reminder- the New Member Mixer will be Friday, January 31st from 6:00-8:00 PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.  Call the office today to RSVP!! 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call the Parish office or email Nicole to request your statement.  Statements will be available beginning January 20th. 

Save the Date- the Youth Ministry will hold their St. Valentine’s Day Dinner/ Dance fundraiser on Saturday, February 15th.  Watch your bulletin for more details. 

In the final session on the first 500 years of the Church, the Adult Ed group examines how the Fathers preserved the mystery and relationship inherent in the Holy Trinity.  For more information, check your bulletin.