Announcements for the weekend of September 22, 2024

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Attention Parents!  The LAST day to register for Religious Education is Monday, September 30th.  There will be NO sign ups starting October 1st. 

The Adorno Store is now open!  Catholic items are for sale in the Parish Office.  All proceeds go to the Adorno Fathers’ Mission.  Come check it out! 

It is not too late to get a Commemorative Brick for your family.  Don‘t miss out on leaving your mark while helping us offset our loan and future building phases. Check the  flyer in the foyer for details.  Thank you for your generosity!

Just a friendly reminder- Please dispose of ALL food, drink and gum before entering the church!

Announcements for the weekend of September 15, 2024

Please note:  There will be NO Adoration this Tuesday, Sept. 17th

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Join us for Father Gio’s Going Away party on Saturday, September 21st, at 6:30pm in St. Anne Parish Hall.  Help us express our gratitude, share cherished memories, and offer Father Gio a fond farewell before he departs for his new assignment in Spartanburg. 

The Adorno Store is now open!  Catholic items are for sale in the Parish Office.  All proceeds go to the Adorno Fathers’ Mission.  Come check it out! 

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on September 21st starting at 11:00 am in St. Anne Parish Hall.  Our program will be about the Eucharistic Conference with  guest speaker Cindy Tavarez.  Please join us and bring a friend.   

Just a friendly reminder- NO food, drink or gum allowed in the church!

Announcements for the weekend of September 8, 2024

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Attention ALL 6th through 12th graders- the Youth Group starts this Sunday, September 8th, starting at 6pm at the Parish Hall in the youth group room.  Come register your youth and see the new updated room. 

The Adorno Store is now open!  Catholic items are for sale in the Parish Office.  All proceeds go to the Adorno Fathers’ Mission.  Come check it out! 

Just a friendly reminder- NO food, drink or gum allowed in the church!

Announcements for September 1, 2024

The Parish Office will be closed Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, September 3rd. 

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for any Catholic who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Religious Education and Confirmation starts Wednesday from 5:45-7pm.  If you have not registered your child yet, please stop by the Parish office to sign up. 

Today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity!

Announcements for the weekend of August 25, 2024

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Attention ALL 6th through 12th graders- the Youth Group Open House is this weekend, August 25th, starting at 6pm at the Parish Hall in the youth group room.  Come register your youth and see the new updated room. 

The SASJ Adult Ed Group begins a new program next Sunday, Proofs for the Existence of God, presented by Laura Garcia, PhD. We begin with the big question: Does God Exist? Join us as we explore this timely and important topic. For more information consult your bulletin. 

The second batch of Commemorative Bricks has been installed.  Don‘t miss out on leaving your mark while helping us offset our loan and future building phases. Check the foyer flyer for details.  Thank you for your generosity!

Announcements for the weekend of August 18, 2024

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Registration for Religious Education and Confirmation is now open. Both classes start on Wednesday, September 4th from 5:45-7:00pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Men of the Parish!  If you are unable to attend the SC Catholic Men’s Conference on August 24, the Knights of Columbus will sponsor a livestream from 9 AM to 3:30 PM. Doughnuts and coffee will be provided in the morning as well as lunch.  There is a $10 registration fee. The event will be held in the Adult Ed room at the St. Anne campus and space is limited. Contact Chris Hilditch with any questions. 

The second batch of Commemorative Bricks has been installed.  Don‘t miss out on leaving your mark while helping us offset our loan and future building phases. Check the foyer flyer for details.  Thank you for your generosity!

Announcements for the weekend of August 11, 2024

The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday, August 15th for the Assumption of the Lord.  We will reopen Friday, August 16th.  Please check your bulletin for Mass times. 

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Attention Ladies of the parish. Today is the last day to sign up for the Women’s Guild ladies’ Garden Party luncheon on Saturday, August 17th.  There will be someone in the back of the church if you would like to sign up or call the number in the bulletin. 

Registration for Religious Education and Confirmation is now open. Both classes start on Wednesday, September 4th from 5:45-7:00pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Men of the Parish!  If you are unable to attend the SC Catholic Men’s Conference on August 24, the Knights of Columbus will sponsor a livestream from 9 AM to 3:30 PM. Doughnuts and coffee will be provided in the morning as well as lunch.  There is a $10 registration fee. The event will be held in the Adult Ed room at the St. Anne campus and space is limited. Contact Chris Hilditch with any questions.

Announcements for the weekend of August 4, 2024

The Adorno Fathers will be leaving for their spiritual retreat this coming week.  We will have daily Mass Monday through Thursday and communion service only on Friday.   Please pray for a restful yet productive experience for our priests. 

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after Benediction.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for any Catholic who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

The Women’s Guild will be having a Garden Party on Saturday, August 17th, starting at noon in the Parish Hall.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity!


Announcements for the weekend of July 28, 2024

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Are you or anyone you know interested in exploring the Catholic Church as your church home?  Have you been sitting in the pew next to your Catholic spouse for years wondering what you must do to become Catholic?  The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (formerly RCIA) begins on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30pm.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

There will be early registration for Religious Education at every Mass this weekend.  If you have children pre-school through 9th grade, please visit the registration table to get your children signed up. 

Are you new to our church or have you been here awhile and have not registered yet?  We would like to know who you are.  Registration forms are available in the parish office or on the parish website.


Announcements for the weekend of July 21, 2024

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.    

Are you or anyone you know interested in exploring the Catholic Church as your church home?  Have you been sitting in the pew next to your Catholic spouse for years wondering what you must do to become Catholic?  The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (formerly RCIA) begins on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30pm.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Do you LOVE your Catholic Faith? Have you ever considered sharing your faith with the young people of our parish? Pray about joining the Religious Education Team of Catechists. Please call the Parish Office for more information. 

Just a friendly reminder- NO food, drink or gum allowed in the church!