Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships

Attention high school seniors and college students: The applications for the $3000/year Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships funded through the Lafoon Endowment Fund are now available on the Church website. These scholarships, once awarded, are renewable each year for four years. They are available ONLY to St. Anne/St. Jude parishioners! The application deadline is June 30, 2020. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY; Apply NOW!! Visit this Link:

Easter Flower Offering

There is still time to get in your Easter Flower offerings.  Although we are not meeting, there will still be an Easter Novena.  Please drop your envelopes in the white mail box in front of St. Anne’s office no later than Thursday, April 9th.  Stay safe and prayful!!

Weekly Offering for Our Parish

Parish Family, please consider mailing your weekly offering or sign up for online giving. The expenses of the parish will continue. Please don’t let our absence from Mass deter us from regular giving.
Parish Office 216 East Liberty Street Sumter, SC. 29150

Cancellation of Masses in the Diocese of Charleston.

In a March 16 letter to South Carolina Catholics, Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone announced the cancellation of Masses in the Diocese of Charleston.

Announcements for the weekend of March 15, 2020

In order to take every precaution and for the safety of our Parish family, we are cancelling the Lenten Soup and Bread supper and the upcoming Fish Fry fundraiser.  The Stations of the Cross will be held as scheduled.  Things are changing rapidly so we will update you with information as soon as we get it. 

We will have a special Lenten Mission of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  It will be every Tuesday of Lent at St Jude’s Church starting at 7:30 AM.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

St. Anne and St. Jude school is collecting donations for their Annual Gala to be held on Friday, May 1st.  All donations are needed no later than April 3rd.  Check your bulletin for details. 

The Sunday Adult Education Group looks at Learning Detachment and seeing ourselves as God sees us.   Sessions start at 1:30 PM in the St. Anne Adult Ed Room.

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance and Silent Auction Cancelled

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance and Silent Auction Cancelled
The Council received a letter from the Supreme Council strongly recommending that any event which the public gather be cancelled.
In accordance with the guidance, we decided to cancel the dinner/dance and reschedule for a later date. While difficult to make, we feel it is the correct decision. We will send out information in a few days to let people know about their tickets and auction donations.