Announcements for the weekend of September 27, 2020

It is not too late to sign up for Religious Education and Confirmation Classes.  Religious Ed classes are for K-8th grade and meets Monday from 5:45-7 PM.   Confirmation is every other Sunday.    Please stop by the Parish office during regular office hours to register.  Registration forms are also available on-line. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group resumes as it begins a study of Fulton Sheen. We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Sumter Life Chain 2020 will be on October 4th and November 1st from 2:30-3:30 PM in front of the Central Carolina Technical College building on Broad Street between Bultman Dr. and N. Wise Dr.  Please check the bulletin for more information. 

A Rosary Rally in honor of Our Lady of Fatima will be held on Saturday, October 10th at noon in the green space at St. Anne.  Masks and social distancing will be maintained.  All are invited to attend!! 

Parish Families- If you are unable to attend Mass, please consider mailing your weekly offering or sign up for online giving!!

Announcements for the weekend of September 20, 2020

It is not too late to sign up for Religious Education and Confirmation Classes.  Religious Ed classes are for K-8th grade and meets Monday from 5:45-7 PM.  Confirmation is every other Sunday.   Please stop by the Parish office during regular office hours to register.  Registration forms are also available on-line. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group returns next Sunday, by examining Bishop Baron’s Pivotal Players, Fulton Sheen. We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

The City of Sumter is currently passing out free to citizens who live in Wards 1-4 a quart of hand sanitizer and masks.  Citizens should bring proof of residency to the North Hope Center on September 22nd from 8am- noon.  You can also come by any Center between 8am – 5pm, Monday-Friday if you are unable to make it on Sept. 22nd.

Parish Families- If you are unable to attend Mass, please consider mailing your weekly offering or sign up for online giving!!

Announcements for the weekend of September 13, 2020

RE Classes for K-8th grade will begin on Monday from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will continue to be held In Person every other Sunday.    Please stop by the Parish office during regular office hours to register.  Registration forms are also available on-line. 

St. Anne and St. Jude Youth Ministry will kick off the year on Sunday with some fun and games in the Parish Hall and an Open House in the Youth Building for Parents.  Youth Group is for students in 6th grade to 12th grade.  

Are you new to the area or is this your first time at St. Anne and St Jude?  We would love to get to know you.  Please come by the Parish office to register, meet our staff and check out our ministries. There is something for every member of your family. 

Parish Families- If you are unable to attend Mass, please consider mailing your weekly offering or sign up for online giving!!

Announcements for the weekend of September 6, 2020

Parish Office will be closed Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, Sept. 8th. 

The Sumter Knights of Columbus want to thank all parishioners for their generous donations to the Sumter United Ministries and Christian Charities Food Banks.  Over 1,000 pounds of food was collected during the past two weeks to help others within our community.  Thank You! 

RE Classes for K-8th grade will begin on Monday, Sept. 14th, from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will continue to be held In Person every other Sunday.    Please stop by the Parish office during regular office hours to register.  Registration forms are also available on-line. 

Congratulations to our Confirmation Class of 2020:  Alyssa Haily Costas, Althea Dominique Vicete, Angela Valdez, Ariel Lagunes-Sarmiento, Austin Broadway, Brian C. Fernandez, Briggitte Cortez- Flores, Caleb Andrew Baxter, Derrek James Russell II, Deven Gudenau, Diego Gerardo Hernandez Alonso, Elvira Gutierrez- Larios, Evan Farrell Bell, Evelyn Cruz- Duran, Haley Keyes, James M. Krivejko, Jr., Ransleigh Kurt Baldas, Manuel Andres Sanchez- Ruiz and Matthew Edward Lauzon.

Announcements for the weekend of August 30, 2020

Religious Education is Moving to Monday starting in September 14th!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Monday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays. Parents will have a choice of in person or virtual learning.   Stop by the Parish office from 10:00am- 4:00pm this weekend to register. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins begins for St. Anne and St. Jude and Our Lady of the Skies (Shaw AFB), Wednesday, September 2nd. We will meet online on Wednesdays, from 7 to 9 PM. If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, please see the bulletin for more information. 

Mark Your Calendar!!  St. Anne and St. Jude Youth Ministry will kick off the year on Sunday, September 13th.  This is for Youth 6th grade to 12th grade.  

We still have some Adorno made Chili Garlic Oil available in the parish office.  This is a Fundraising Project of our Adorno Fathers Seminary in the Philippines.  They are only $15 per jar.

Announcements for the weekend of August 23, 2020

There will be a Memorial Mass for Father Tom Burke on August 26th at 11:00 am at St. Anne church.  Temperatures will be taken prior to admission and Masks will be required. 

Religious Education is Moving to Monday starting in September!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Monday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays.  Registration forms are available in the Parish office. 

The Knights of Columbus will be conducting a food drive to support Christian Charities and the United Ministries.  Containers will be in the back of each church for the next two weekends.  Please give generously.  

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins begins for St. Anne and St. Jude and Our Lady of the Skies (Shaw AFB), Wednesday, September 2nd. We will meet online on Wednesdays, from 7 to 9 PM. If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, please see the bulletin for more information. 

We still have some Adorno made Chili Garlic Oil available in the parish office.  This is a Fundraising Project of our Adorno Fathers Seminary in the Philippines.  They are only $15 per jar.

Announcements for the weekend of August 16, 2020

It is not too late to pick up your gift from the church for you and your family.  Please come by the office to pick it up. 

We are excited to announce that we are going back to church to celebrate Mass beginning this weekend.  Temperatures will be checked at the door and masks must be worn at all times.  Please read your bulletin for Mass times and locations. 

Religious Education is Moving to Monday starting in September!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Monday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays.  Registration for ALL grades begins later this month. 

The Knights of Columbus will be conducting a food drive to support Christian Charities and the United Ministries.  Containers will be in the back of each church for the next two weekends.  Please check the bulletin insert for more information. 

If we have supplied you with a mask, please consider making a donation.

Announcements for the weekend of August 9, 2020

It is not too late to pick up your gift from the church for you and your family.  Please come by the office to pick it up. 

Attention Youth Group- join us for our Service Days to get our buildings and grounds cleaned and ready for our new Youth Group year!!  It is August 11-13 from 9:00 am to 3:00 PM at the St. Jude location.  Lunch will be provided!! 

We are excited to announce that we are going back to church to celebrate Mass beginning August 15th.  Temperatures will be checked at the door and masks will be required.  Please read your bulletin for Mass times and locations. 

Religious Education is Moving to Monday starting in September!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Monday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays.  Registration for ALL grades begins in August. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins for St. Anne and St. Jude and Our Lady of the Skies (Shaw AFB) on Wednesday, September 2nd. We will meet online on Wednesdays, from 7 to 9 PM. If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, please see the bulletin for more information. 

If we have supplied you with a mask, please consider making a donation.


Announcements for the weekend of August 2, 2020

It is not too late to pick up your gift from the church for you and your family.  Please come by the office to pick it up. 

Attention Youth Group- join us for our Service Days to get our buildings and grounds cleaned and ready for our new Youth Group year!!  It is August 11-13 from 9:00 am to 3:00 PM at the St. Jude location.  Lunch will be provided!! 

Holy Angels Academy will open their doors in August for in-person classes to all students and parents who are looking for a safe and inclusive environment for their family.  If you are interested in a Fresh Approach to education for students 4K through 6th grade, please call the school office or visit our website. 

Summer is here and it is time for Vacation Bible School!!  This year we will be doing a drive thru VBS here at St. Anne.  It will be August 3rd, 5th and 7th from 5:00-7:00 PM  for grades K-4 thru 5th.  PLEASE call the office to register your child, volunteer or ask questions. 

Religious Education is Moving to Monday starting in September!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Monday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays.  Registration for ALL grades begins in August. 

If we have supplied you with a mask, please consider making a donation.

Announcements for the weekend of July 26, 2020

Please tune to 97.3 FM on your car radio to listen to Mass in the comfort of your car. 

There will be NO morning Mass at St. Jude on Monday, July 27th.  Instead we will have Mass to celebrate the Feast of St. Anne at 6:00 PM in the church at St. Anne. 

2020 has been a challenging year so to show our appreciation for your support, we have a gift for you and your family.  Please come by the office  to pick it up. 

Holy Angels Academy will open their doors in August for in-person classes to all students and parents who are looking for a safe and inclusive environment for their family.  If you are interested in a Fresh Approach to education for students 4K through 6th grade, please call the school office or visit our website. 

Summer is here and it is time for Vacation Bible School!!  This year we will be doing a drive thru VBS here at St. Anne.  It will be August 3rd, 5th and 7th from 5:00-7:00 PM  for grades K-4 thru 5th.  PLEASE call the office to register your child or ask questions. 

If we have supplied you with a mask, please consider making a donation.