Announcements for the weekend of November 29, 2020

Liturgical ministers are needed in all areas.  Must be a member in good standing with the church.  If interested, please stop by the parish office to register. 

Applications for the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship for College Freshman are due Tuesday, December 1st.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

Applications for Neighbors Helping Neighbors are due in the Parish Office no later than  Monday, November 30th. 

Catholic schools and ministries of the Diocese of Charleston will participate in #iGiveCatholic on Tuesday, Dec. 1st from 12:00am-11:59pm.  During this special 24-hour Giving Tuesday event, we will celebrate our faith and support our schools and ministries.  Your gift can make an impact!  Visit the parish website or call the Parish Office for more information. 

Today’s session examines Alexis de Tocqueville’s America as we continue our Catholics in the Public Square series. We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of November 22, 2020

The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 25th at noon and all day Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26th and 27th, in observance of Thanksgiving.  We will reopen on Monday, November 30th.  Morning Mass will be at NOON on Friday, November 27th. 

There will be NO Religious Education classes on Monday, November 23rd.  Classes will resume on  November 30th.  There WILL be confirmation class this Sunday. 

Liturgical ministers are needed in all areas.  Must be a member in good standing with the church.  If interested, please stop by the parish office to register. 

In today’s session, the Second Great Awakening and Religious Democracy is the topic for the St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group program of Catholics in the Public Square.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of November 15, 2020

The Women’s Guild will be having their annual BAKE SALE on Nov. 21st and 22nd after all Masses at both locations.  

The Sumter-Knights of Columbus will be holding an “Outdoor Drive-In Turkey Bingo” on Sunday from 2-4:00 PM in the large field at St. Anne Parish Hall.  No fees.  Free Popcorn and Drinks. 

Young Adult Ministry will meet on November 20th at 6 PM in the Youth Group Building at St. Jude.    All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to attend. 

THANK YOU for all the donations of cranberry sauce for United Ministries Thanksgiving baskets.  We surpassed our goal again this year!! 

Just a reminder- Masks MUST be worn at all times over your nose and mouth.  This is for everyone’s safety!! 

The St. Anne and St. Jude Adult Ed Group returns to Catholics in the Public Square with “Charles Carroll: First Citizen and Catholic Founding Father.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of November 8, 2020

The Sumter-Knights of Columbus will be holding an “Outdoor Drive-In Turkey Bingo” on Sunday, November 15th from 2-4:00 PM in the large field at St. Anne Parish Hall.  No fees.  Free Popcorn and Drinks. 

Young Adult Ministry will meet on November 20th at 6 PM in the Youth Group Building at St. Jude.    All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome to attend. 

The Women’s Guild will be having their annual BAKE SALE on Nov. 21st and 22nd after all Masses at both locations.  

Just a reminder- Masks MUST be worn at all times over your nose and mouth.  This is for everyone’s safety!! 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group continues its program on Catholics in the Public Square with “The Colonies: Islands of Intolerance in a Sea of Tolerance.”.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of November 1, 2020

There will be an All Souls Mass at St. Lawrence Cemetery on November 2nd starting at 12:15pm. 

There will also be NO Religious Ed. Class on Monday, Nov. 2nd.  Classes will resume on Monday, Nov. 9th. 

Sumter Life Chain will be on November 1st from 2:30-3:30 PM in front of the old Wal-Mart building on Broad Street between Bultman Dr. and N. Wise Dr.   Hope to see you there. 

Women’s Guild invites you to an out-door meet and greet on Sunday, November 8th after the 9:30 and 11:00am Masses.  This is a casual event to say Hi, gather information and to drop-off canned goods and other donations. 

The Women’s Guild will also be having their annual BAKE SALE on Nov. 21st and 22nd after all Masses at both locations.  

We are still taking donations of Cranberry Sauce for United Ministries Thanksgiving baskets.  They need to be dropped off in the Parish office by Wed, November 18th. 

In today’s session, the St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group begins a new series, Catholics in the Public Square, as we look at Settling North America: Anti-Catholicism in the New World.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Just a reminder- Masks MUST be worn at all times over your nose and mouth.  This is for everyone’s safety!!

Announcements for the weekend of October 25, 2020

The Knights of Columbus will be selling Christmas Cards after the masses at St. Anne’s on the weekend of the 24th and 25th of October. Payment may be either cash or check. If by check, the check should be made out to KofC Council 2207. For any information, contact Larry Huff at 803-236-1203. 

There will be a Feast of St. Jude Mass on Wed., Oct. 28th at 6PM at St. Jude. 

Sumter United Ministries has asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wed, November 18th. 

In today’s session, the St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group sets the stage for its presentation of Catholics in the Public Square by looking at Sirach’s hymn on Divine Providence within History.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of October 18, 2020

Our local Sumter-Knights of Columbus council is one of over 15,000 worldwide.  Knights serve our parish and community through charitable, faith-based and social programs.  Today we offer all men an opportunity to help us.  As much good as our Sumter council has done over the past year, we can do even better with your help.  Please see one of our knights outside after mass and help be the difference in our parish and community 

It is that time of year again–Sumter United Ministries has asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wed,  November 18th. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group continues its study of Bishop Baron’s Pivotal Players series as they complete their study of Flannery O’Connor.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of October 11, 2020

Changes to Mass times will begin next weekend.  Please check your bulletin for times and location. 

Sumter Life Chain 2020 will be on November 1st from 2:30-3:30 PM in front of the Central Carolina Technical College building on Broad Street between Bultman Dr. and N. Wise Dr.  Please check the bulletin for more information. 

It is that time of year again–Sumter United Ministries has asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wed,  November 18th. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group continues its study of Bishop Baron’s Pivotal Players series by taking up Flannery O’Connor.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of October 4, 2020

There will be a drive-by to say farewell to Father Rufino on Wednesday, October 7th from 5-7 PM at St. Jude.  More details to follow at Mass and on social media. 

There will be NO Youth Group meeting on Sunday, October 4th.  Our next meeting will be on October 11th.  See you then! 

There will be a blessing of the animals on Sunday, October 4th at 4:00PM at St. Jude’s parking lot.  All animals are welcome!! 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group continues its study of Fulton Sheen. We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Special recognition and congratulations to the Knights of Columbus Sumter Council #2207 on their 100th Anniversary.  They were initially chartered on October 4, 1920! 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.