Announcements for the weekend of January 10, 2021

Religious Education will resume on Monday, January 11th at St. Jude Parish Hall.  See you there!! 

Members of SASJ Women’s Guild will meet this Sunday, January 10th, at 12:30 p.m., in the Holy Angels Academy (St. Anne’s) cafeteria.  We welcome all interested ladies of the parish to join us!  Please wear a mask and prepare to social distance. 

All Parish information is sent out through the bulletin, our website, our multiple Facebook pages or through email blasts.  If you are not getting information regarding the parish through one of these sources, please call the Parish Office. 

Before we begin our examination of the Song of Songs, we examine a short contemporary take on the Meaning of Love by Bishop Fulton Sheen from his Live is Worth Living series.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Important Schedule Updates

Parish Family,
Due to the recent rise in COVID cases and our need to take all necessary precautions, Fr Ronie’s Mass of Thanksgiving has been postponed. A new date will be announced.
Also, the Religious Education program will not resume until Monday, January 11.
Please tell your friends and neighbors who may not receive our messages on social media.
Thank You and God Bless

Announcements for the weekend of January 3, 2021

Mark your calendars!!  Father Ronie Lorcha will be here in Sumter to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, January 5th at 6 PM at the St. Anne location.  Hope to see you there!! 

Adorno Fathers Mission Calendars are now available in the back of the church at both locations.  Please take one, along with the Christmas greeting from the Adorno Fathers. 

All Parish information is sent out through the bulletin, our website, our multiple Facebook pages or through email blasts.  If you are not getting information regarding the parish through one of these sources, please call the Parish Office. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group finishes up its series, Catholics in the Public Square, by examining The 20th Century: Ideology, Horrors, and Heroism.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.


Announcements for New Year’s Day 2021

Mark your calendars!!  Father Ronie Lorcha will be here in Sumter to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, January 5th at 6 PM at the St. Anne location.  Hope to see you there!! 

Adorno Fathers Mission Calendars are now available in the back of the church at both locations.  Please take one, along with the Christmas greeting from the Adorno Fathers. 

Religious Education resumes on Monday, January 4th.  See you there. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group finishes up its series, Catholics in the Public Square, by examining The 20th Century: Ideology, Horrors, and Heroism.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.


Christmas Flowers 2020

Christmas Flowers 2020

Announcements for the weekend of December 27, 2020

Mark your calendars!!  Father Ronie Lorcha will be here  in Sumter to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 6 PM at the St. Anne location.  Hope to see you there!! 

2021 Calendars are available in the back of the church at both locations.  One calendar per family please. 

The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, December 31st and January 1st in observance of New Year’s.  We will reopen on Monday, January 4th.  

All Parish information is sent out through the bulletin, our website, our multiple Facebook pages or through email blasts.  If you are not getting information regarding the parish through one of these sources, please call the Parish Office. 

We close out 2020 by examining the effect of Modernity on ourselves, and our efforts to regain the wholeness we lost as a result.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for Christmas Day 2020

2021 Calendars are available in the back of the church at both locations.  One calendar per family please. 

The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, December 31st and January 1st in observance of New Year’s.  We will reopen on Monday, January 4th.  

We close out 2020 by examining the effect of Modernity on ourselves, and our efforts to regain the wholeness we lost as a result.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of December 20, 2020

Parish Office will be closed Wednesday thru Friday, December 23rd thru 25th for Christmas.  We will reopen on Monday, December 28th.  Have a Merry Christmas and stay safe!! 

Make sure you sign up for the Christmas Mass you and your family plan to attend.  Space is limited and filling up fast.  Please call the Parish Office to get your name on the list.

If you are not registered and the Mass is full, you are encouraged to sit in your car and listen to 97.3FM and receive communion after the Mass.

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses Dec. 21st through 23rd at St. Jude.  Confession will start at 5 pm each day during the week followed by Mass at 6 pm.    Check your bulletin for more details. 

The St. Anne & St. Jude Sunday Adult Ed Group celebrates is annual Christmas Brunch and Charity Collection today.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of December 13, 2020

Calling All Liturgical ministers- we need your help.  If you can serve at any of the Christmas Masses, please call the Parish Office if you can help. 

Speaking of Christmas Masses, to ensure all of our faithful parishioners are comfortable and socially distancing, we are asking for everyone to sign up for the Christmas Mass you plan to attend.  Please call the Parish Office to get your name on the list. 

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses Dec. 15th through 23rd.  Confession will start at 5 pm each day during the week followed by Mass at 6 pm.  Normal Mass times on the weekend. NO Food will be served.   Check your bulletin for more details. 

The Women’s Guild will meet today, Dec. 13th at 12:30PM at St. Anne Parish Hall.  This is open to ALL women of the parish.  Hope to see you there. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of December 6, 2020

Thank you to everyone who participated in IGiveCatholic Giving Day.  We are so grateful to all who so generously donated to help Holy Angels Academy students. 

Liturgical ministers are needed in all areas.  Must be a member in good standing with the church.  If interested, please stop by the parish office to register. 

Today’s session looks at Progressivism, Nationalism and the “Common Good” and their secularization of America.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.