Announcements for the weekend of March 14, 2021

We will have a special Lenten Mission from March 15th-17th at St Anne’s Church starting at 7:00 PM.  Reconciliation will be offered each day at 6:00 PM.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

We are having Altar Server training on Saturday, March 20th at St. Anne.  This is for all new and current participants.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

The Knights of Columbus are holding a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Take Away on Saturday, March 20, 2021. Dinner includes corned beef and cabbage, shepherds’ pie, veg, and desert. Tickets are $10 each and are available after each Mass. 

We need your help!!  Anyone who uses the facilities at either church MUST clean up afterwards.  Please leave the facility as clean as you found it or cleaner.  Contact the parish office if you have any questions. 

The Adult Ed group looks at the radical and profound conversion at St. Francis of Assisi and the Mendicant Orders he founded.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Liturgical Ministry Training for NEW and CURRENT Participants

Liturgical Ministry Training for NEW and CURRENT Participants

Lector Training –  Tuesday, March 9th 6:00pm-7:30pm St. Anne

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Training – Wednesday, March 10th 6:00pm-7:30pm St. Anne

Altar Server Training – Saturday, March 20th 10:00am-12:00pm  St. Anne


Announcements for the weekend of March 7, 2021

We will have a special Lenten Mission of Prayer from March 15th-17th at St Anne’s Church starting at 7:00 PM.  Reconciliation will be offered each day at 6:00 PM.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

We are having Liturgical Ministry training next week.  This is for all new and current participants.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

The Knights of Columbus are holding a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Take Away on Saturday, March 20, 2021. Dinner includes corned beef and cabbage, shepherds’ pie, veg, and desert. Tickets are $10 each and are available after each Mass. 

We need your help!!  Anyone who uses the facilities at either church MUST clean up afterwards.  Please leave the facility as clean as you found it or cleaner.  Contact the parish office if you have any questions. 

The Rule of Benedict is marked by simplicity, obedience, humility, and charity.  Join the Adult Ed group as they explore the Rule and the man behind it, St. Benedict of Nursia.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of February 28, 2021

In Honor of Black History Month, we celebrate the life and accomplishments of Sharry and Mitchell Williams.  Please read your bulletin for more information. 

Please come out and join us in Stations of the Cross.  The first five weeks will be at St. Anne and the last two weeks at St. Jude.   There will be NO Soup and Bread Supper after Stations.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

We need your help!!  Anyone who uses the facilities at either church MUST clean up afterwards.  Please leave the facility as clean as you found it or cleaner.  Contact the parish office if you have any questions. 

In order to deepen our relationship with God, we must detach ourselves from all material things, in order that we cling only to Christ.  Join the Adult Ed Group as we learn detachment.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of February 21, 2021

In Honor of Black History Month, we celebrate the life and accomplishments of John and Roberta Carter.  Please read your bulletin for more information. 

Do you want to Dig Deeper into your faith, join us for the Youth group Scripture Deep Dive Tuesday nights. 7:00-8:30pm in the youth building. 

Please come out and join us in Stations of the Cross. Stations will be every Friday of Lent.   There will be NO Soup and Bread Supper after Stations.  Please check your bulletin for times and location. 

We will have a special Lenten Mission of Prayer from March 15th-17th at St Anne’s Church starting at 7:00 PM.  Reconciliation will be offered each day at 6:00 PM.  Please check your bulletin for more details. 

Our spiritual life is a journey back to God.  Join the Adult Ed Group as we continue our journey in which God’s image is restored in us.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of February 14, 2021

Religious Education will NOT meet on Monday, February 15th in observance of President’s Day.  We will resume on Monday February 22nd. 

In Honor of Black History Month, we celebrate the life and accomplishments of Richard Boisvert.  Please read your bulletin for more information. 

Please check your bulletin for Ash Wednesday Mass times and locations. 

Throughout history, God continually invites man into a relationship of love, calling him out of his own wickedness and sin, into the light of Christ.  Join the Adult Ed Group as they begin an exploration of Christian Spirituality by looking at the bond between God and Man.    We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of February 7, 2021

In Honor of Black History Month, we celebrate the life and accomplishments of the late Councilman Louis Fleming and Mrs. Emma Fleming.  Please read your bulletin for more information. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!! Please call or email the Parish office to request your tax statement.  It can be mailed, emailed or prepared for pick up. 

Congratulations to DEACON Gregory Tavarez on his ordination Saturday in Charleston. 

The Adult Ed Group takes a look at what Bishop Fulton Sheen had to say about Nurses and Doctors way back in the mid-1950s   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of January 31, 2021

Please check out the insert in this weekend’s bulletin.  It contains an important message from Father Gio and the principal of Holy Angels Academy in line with Catholic Schools Week. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!! Please call or email the Parish office to request your tax statement.  It can be mailed, emailed or prepared for pick up. 

Join the Adult Ed Group as we learn what the Psalms say about perseverance. A timely topic after the past year.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of January 24, 2021

Please join us for a special meeting to talk about the state of Holy Angels Academy.  It will be on Wednesday, January 27th at 7:00PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.  This is an important meeting.  We hope all can attend.

We are actively looking for volunteers to help clean the churches.  If interested, please call the parish office. 

Mark your calendars!!  Father Ronie Lorcha will be here in Sumter to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, January 26th at 6:00 PM at St. Anne’s.  Space is limited so please call the Parish Office to sign up. 

Today’s session examines the various levels of meaning contained within the Song of Songs.  There is much that lies beneath the surface in this beautiful book.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.

Announcements for the weekend of January 17, 2021

Religious Education will NOT meet on Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.  We will resume on Monday, January 25th.

We are actively looking for volunteers to help clean the churches.  If interested, please call the parish office. 

Please check out the bulletin for a letter from Father Gio and quarterly financial report.  They will be available in the back of the church after Mass. 

Mark your calendars!!  Father Ronie Lorcha will be here in Sumter to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, January 26th at 6:00 PM at St. Anne’s.  Space is limited so please call the Parish Office to sign up. 

Frequently misunderstood, we open our look of The Song of Songs with the general theme of the scriptures.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic.  If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website.   If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.