Announcements for the weekend of May 9, 2021

There will be NO Youth Group this Sunday.  Religious Education WILL meet on Monday for our end of year ice cream social.  See you there!! 

We will be having a NEW Altar Server Training on Saturday, May 22nd from 12:00pm-2:00pm in St. Anne.  This is a training for any interested youth who have already made their First Communion. 

Vacation Bible School 2021 will be August 3rd-6th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW in the Parish Office or on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

No session today for the Adult Ed Group.  We wish everyone a Happy Mother’s Day. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of May 2, 2021

We will be having a NEW Altar Server Training on Saturday, May 22nd from 12:00pm-2:00pm in St. Anne.  This is a training for any interested youth who have already made their First Communion. 

Vacation Bible School 2021 will be August 3rd-6th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW in the Parish Office or on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office.  Please check the bulletin for more information. 

The Sumter Knights of Columbus present a “Nobody’s Perfect” Rosary Challenge for May.  Gifts will be awarded to individuals, families and couples that pray the Rosary between 10 and 30 times during the month.  Pick up a flyer in the back of the church for complete information. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of April 25, 2021

The Holy Angels Academy GALA is here!!  We will be at the school Friday, 10am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday, 9am-1pm for you to get a sneak peak of all our auction items.   Please go to page to receive our auction album for bidding. 

The Sumter Knights of Columbus present a “Nobody’s Perfect” Rosary Challenge for May.  Gifts will be awarded to individuals, families and couples that pray the Rosary between 10 and 30 times during the month.  Pick up a flyer in the back of the church for complete information. 

The Adult Ed group returns to its journey through Biblical Wisdom literature by examining the special wisdom of the dream visions in the Book of Daniel.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of April 18, 2021

Summer is fast approaching and it is time to start planning Vacation Bible School 2021!  This year we return to a Bigger and Better In-Person program.  If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office. 

Knights of Peter Claver are having a Fish Fry on Friday, April 23rd from 11:00am-5:00pm at Saint Jude Parish Hall.  Tickets are $10.00 Per Person.  Carry out only!! 

The Adult Ed group lets Bishop Fulton Sheen give us some wisdom on living in the modern world that is as timely and practical as it was in 1955 as we watch Life is Worth Living: Man, Captain of His Destiny.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Easter Flowers 2021

Easter Flowers 2021

Announcements for the weekend of April 11, 2021

Congratulations to all the Catechumens and Candidates who came into the church during the Easter Vigil Mass.

Summer is fast approaching and it is time to start planning Vacation Bible School 2021!  This year we return to a Bigger and Better In-Person program.  If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office. 

Calling all Young Adults-you are invited to join the Youth Group on Sunday, April 18th, for a night of outdoor sports, food, fellowship and faith.  We meet from 6:15-8:15 pm in the Youth Building at St. Jude’s. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of April 4, 2021

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, April 5th.  We will reopen on Tuesday, April 6th. 

There will be NO Religious Education on Monday, April 5th.  We will resume on Monday, April 12th.  Have a Blessed Easter!! 

Save the Date!!  Holy Angels Academy will be hosting a virtual Gala fundraiser on Saturday, May 1st.  All funds raised will benefit Holy Angels Soaring to Excellence Tuition Assistance Program.  Please check your bulletin or call the school office for more details. 

The Adult Ed group does not meet today but wishes you all the joy of the Risen Christ.  We hope to see you next Sunday.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of March 28, 2021

There will be NO Religious Education on Monday, March 29th and Monday, April 5th.  We will resume on Monday, April 12th.  Have a Blessed Easter!! 

Please check your bulletin or parish app for Holy Week Mass times and location. 

Thank you to all that signed up for the Easter Vigil Mass.  We are no longer taking sign-ups for inside the church but the Mass will be live streamed on Facebook or you can tune to 97.3 FM on your car radio to listen to the Mass. 

Holy Angels is partnering with Sonic to bring back family fun night.  Join us Tuesday, March 30th from 5-8 PM at Sonic’s on McCrays Mill Rd.  Proceeds supports the Soaring to Excellence Tuition Assistance Program. 

Carmelites follow the desert fathers by entering the desert where there is no desert, only the soul. Join the Adult Ed Group as we investigate them and their goal of contemplation.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of March 21, 2021

There will be NO Religious Education on Monday, March 29th and Monday, April 5th.  We will resume on Monday, April 12th.  Have a Blessed Easter!! 

To ensure our parishioners are comfortable and socially distanced, we are asking for everyone who plans on attending the Easter Vigil Mass to sign up.  Space is limited so please call the Parish Office to get your name on the list. 

Save the Date!!  Holy Angels Academy will be hosting a virtual Gala fundraiser on Saturday, May 1st.  All funds raised will benefit Holy Angels Soaring to Excellence Tuition Assistance Program.  Please check your bulletin or call the school office for more details. 

Never heard of Pseudo-Dionysius?  The Adult Ed group examines him and the great influence he had on Christian Spirituality.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Altar Server Training

Altar servers New and Current, don’t forget about altar server training this Saturday, March 20, 10:00 am -12:00 pm in Saint Anne.