Announcements for the weekend of July 4, 2021

There will be a Town Hall meeting concerning the new church on Wednesday, Aug. 11th at 7PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please plan on attending this important meeting. 

Applications are now being taken for the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship.  This is for 2021 high school graduates.  Deadline is July 15th.  Please check the bulletin for more information. 

Youth Group is planning another Paint Ball outing on Friday, July 9th.  Please check our Facebook page or call the Parish office for more details. 

The Women’s Guild will be having a Yard Sale on July 17th at the St. Anne Parish Hall.  Donations may be dropped off in the Parish Hall July 12th-16th.  Please check your bulletin for drop off times. 

Holy Angels Academy has introduced the “Adopt A Student” Program.  Information Packets have been mailed to every parish household.  Additional packets are available in the back of the church.  Please consider donating to this worthy program. 

The Adult Ed Group wraps up its Introduction to Theology by looking at Eschatology and Culture.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to use the offertory envelopes or you can transition over to online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of June 27, 2021

Applications are now being taken for the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship.  This is for 2021 high school graduates.  Deadline is July 15th.  Please check the bulletin for more information. 

First Friday Devotion for July will be at St. Jude from 6:30-7:30PM. 

Parents!!  A survey was sent out to ALL Religious Education parents.  Please check your emails and respond.  The survey is also available on our Facebook page. 

The Women’s Guild will be having a Yard Sale on July 17th at the St. Anne Parish Hall.  Donations may be dropped off in the Parish Hall July 12th-16th.  Please check your bulletin for drop off times. 

Holy Angels Academy has introduced the “Adopt A Student” Program.  Information Packets have been mailed to every parish household.  Additional packets are available in the back of the church.  Please consider donating to this worthy program. 

Youth Group is planning another Paint Ball outing on Friday, July 9th.  Please check our Facebook page or call the Parish office for more details.

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to use the offertory envelopes or you can transition over to online giving.

Father’s Day 2021

Fathers Day 2021

Announcements for the weekend of June 20, 2021

Applications are now being taken for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship.  This is for high school and college students.  Deadline is June 30th!! 

Parents!!  A survey was sent out to ALL Religious Education parents.  Please check your emails and respond.  The survey is also available on our Facebook page. 

You can still register online for Vacation Bible School 2021!!  This is for grades K-4 through 5th, August 3rd-6th at St. Anne location.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

No examination of theology is complete without St. Thomas Aquinas.  The Adult Ed Group looks at him and his two most influential works, Summa Contra Gentiles and Summa Theologiae in this week’s session.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to use the offertory envelopes or you can transition over to online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of June 13, 2021

Applications are now being taken for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship.  This is for high school and college students.  Deadline is June 30th!! 

We invite ALL high school and college graduates of 2021 to wear your cap and gown to the 11:00 am Mass next Sunday to give us ALL an opportunity to recognize and celebrate your achievements!! 

You can still register online for Vacation Bible School 2021!!  This is for grades K-4 through 5th, August 3rd-6th at St. Anne location.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Today, the Adult Ed Group starts by looking at what “scholasticism” really means and why this movement is so important, then moving along to the development of universities.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to use the offertory envelopes or you can transition over to online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of June 6, 2021

Beginning this weekend, dispensation from Mass has been lifted.  Those who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to wear masks though masks are still recommended. 

We invite ALL high school and college graduates of 2021 to wear your cap and gown to the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday, June 20th to give us ALL an opportunity to recognize and celebrate your achievements!! 

Vacation Bible School 2021 will be August 3rd-6th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

Today, the Adult Ed Group looks at the Middle Ages and the tremendous and positive impact the Church and its theology had on the world. Join us.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. You can drop your weekly offertory in the basket, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of May 30, 2021

Applications are now being taken for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship.  This is for high school and college students.  Deadline is June 30th!! 

We invite ALL high school and college graduates of 2021 to wear your cap and gown to the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday, June 20th to give us ALL an opportunity to recognize and celebrate your achievements!! 

Vacation Bible School 2021 will be August 3rd-6th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

Join the Adult Ed Group as we look at the relationship and impact the study of the Church, Christ and the Holy Trinity have on the development of theology.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. You can drop your weekly offertory in the basket, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of May 23, 2021

Please join the Sumter Knights, Thursday, May 27th, at 6:00pm at St. Jude for our Silver Rose Prayer Service.  Please see your bulletin for more information. 

Applications are now being taken for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship.  This is for high school and college students.  Please check the bulletin for scholarship criteria and website link. 

Beginning this weekend, we will no longer have restricted seating during Mass. Masks MUST still be worn at all times.  No touch holy water dispensers will be installed by the doors and collection baskets will again be passed around.  We will still broadcast the Mass on 97.3FM for those who do not feel comfortable coming into the church. 

The parish has started using email blasts, along with the bulletin, our website, Facebook page and parish app to communicate with our parishioners.  If you are NOT receiving these emails, please contact the parish office to update your information. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. You can drop your weekly offertory in the basket, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Announcements for the weekend of May 16, 2021

We will be having a NEW Altar Server Training on Saturday, May 22nd from 12:00pm-2:00pm in St. Anne.  This is a training for any interested youth who have already made their First Communion. 

Please join the Sumter Knights, Thursday, May 27th, at 6:00pm at St. Jude for our Silver Rose Prayer Service.  Please see your bulletin for more information. 

Beginning Pentecost weekend, we will no longer have restricted seating during Mass. Masks MUST still be worn at all times.  We will still broadcast the Mass on 97.3FM for those who do not feel comfortable coming into the church. 

The parish has started using email blasts, along with the bulletin, our website, Facebook page and parish app to communicate with our parishioners.  If you are NOT receiving these emails, please contact the parish office to update your information. 

Holy Angels Academy is now enrolling! If you have children in grades k4-6, consider Catholic Education and allow your children to soar to excellence in a safe, nurturing, disciplined, and inclusive environment. Come, be a part of our Parochial school family! Call the School office- the contact number is located in the bulletin or visit for more information

The parish is grateful for your continued financial support during this time of the pandemic. We still cannot pass around the collection basket as part of the health protocols; however, you can leave your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website. Thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish.

Mother’s Day Novena 2021

Mothers Day 2021