Announcements for the weekend of September 12, 2021

Following the recommendation from the bishop, we encourage everyone to please wear a mask inside the church as we come to worship and to take the communion in the hand.  We strongly ask everyone who is eligible to please get vaccinated. 

Holy Angels Academy is having a MUM fundraiser.  Each 9-inch potted mum is only $10 and comes in 4 colors.  Each sale benefits our school.  Order and payment due to the school no later than September 16th.  Please contact the school for more information. 

It is not too late to register for Religious Education.  We meet Wednesdays from 5:45-7:00PM at St. Jude Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available in the office, on our website, in the back of each of our parish locations and by email.  If you have not yet registered your child, please don’t wait any longer. 

Youth Group Open House is today from 6:15-8:15PM in the Youth Group Building at St. Jude.  This is for youth 6th to 12th grade.  Come check out what Youth Ministry has planned for the coming year. 

The Adult Ed Group delves deeper into Handel’s Messiah by exploring the text of the music.   Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of September 5, 2021

The Parish Office will be closed Monday, September 6th in observance of Labor Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, September 7th. 

Following the recommendation from the bishop, we encourage everyone to please wear a mask inside the church as we come to worship and to take the communion in the hand.  We strongly ask everyone who is eligible to please get vaccinated. 

Holy Angels Academy is having a MUM fundraiser.  Each 9-inch potted mum is only $10 and comes in 4 colors.  Each sale benefits our school.  See the order form in this week’s bulletin for more details. 

You are invited to attend our half-day seminar Be Not Afraid- Responding to Sexual Chaos with Truth and Love on Saturday, September 11th from 9am-1pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration is required.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Religious Education starts on Wednesday, September 8th from 5:45-7:00pm.  Registration begins NOW.  Forms are available in the parish office, on our website, in the back of the church and by email. 

The Youth Ministry will host an Open House for Parents and Youth on Sunday, September 12th from 6:15-8:15PM at the Youth building.  Come check out what Youth Ministry has planned for the coming year. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of August 29, 2021

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins Wednesday, September 1st at 7 PM in the Parish Center at St. Anne.   If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, this is for you or them. Please see the bulletin for more information. 

You are invited to attend our half-day seminar Be Not Afraid- Responding to Sexual Chaos with Truth and Love on Saturday, September 11th from 9am-1pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration is required.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Religious Education starts on Wednesday, September 8th from 5:45-7:00pm.  Registration begins NOW.  Forms are available in the parish office, on our website, in the back of the church and by email.  If you child attended last year, a registration form will be emailed to you. 

The Youth Ministry will host an Open House for Parents and Youth on Sunday, September 12th from 6:15-8:15PM at the Youth building.  Come check out what Youth Ministry has planned for the coming year. 

Art for Art’s Sake:  Bach’s Mass in B Minor is this weeks Adult Ed Group topic.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of August 22, 2021

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins Wednesday, September 1st at 7 PM in the Parish Center at St. Anne.   If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, this is for you or them. Please see the bulletin for more information. 

Attention Confirmation Parents- There will be a parent’s meeting for 2021-2022 Confirmation program next Sunday, August 29th in the St. Jude Parish Hall at 3:00PM.  

You are invited to attend our half-day seminar Be Not Afraid- Responding to Sexual Chaos with Truth and Love on Saturday, September 11th from 9am-1pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration is required.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

SASJ English Literacy Ministry focuses on assisting non-native English speakers to speak and read English as a Second Language.  If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, please contact Penny or Randy Esterley.

In the bulletin this weekend is an insert regarding opportunities to be active in our parish community.  Please check it out.

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of August 15, 2021

Following the recommendation from the bishop, beginning this weekend we encourage everyone to please wear a mask inside the church as we come to worship and to take the communion in the hand.  We strongly ask everyone who is eligible to please get vaccinated. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins Wednesday, September 1st at 7 PM in the Parish Center at St. Anne.   If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, this is for you or them. Please see the bulletin for more information. 

Attention Confirmation Parents- There will be a parent’s meeting for 2021-2022 Confirmation program on Sunday, August 29th in the St. Jude Parish Hall at 3:00PM.  

Religious Education is Moving to Wednesday starting in September!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays.  Registration begins later this month. 

SASJ English Literacy Ministry focuses on assisting non-native English speakers to speak and read English as a Second Language.  If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, please contact Penny or Randy Esterley. 

Sacred Music in a Secular World continues the Adult Ed Group’s program on Sacred Music.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of August 8, 2021

Following the recommendation from the bishop, beginning this weekend we encourage everyone to please wear a mask inside the church as we come to worship and to take the communion in the hand.  We strongly ask everyone who is eligible to please get vaccinated.

There will be a Town Hall meeting concerning the new church this Wednesday at 7PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please plan on attending this important meeting. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins Wednesday, September 1st at 7 PM in the Parish Center at St. Anne.   If you are thinking about joining the Catholic Church or know someone who is, this is for you or them. Please see the bulletin for more information. 

The Youth Ministry will host an Open House for Parents and Youth on Sunday, September 12th from 6:15-8:15PM at the Youth building.  Come check out what Youth Ministry has planned for the coming year. 

Attention Confirmation Parents- There will be a parent’s meeting for 2021-2022 Confirmation program on Sunday, August 29th in the St. Jude Parish Hall at 3:00PM.  

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of August 1, 2021

The Adorno Fathers will be leaving for their spiritual retreat this coming week.  There will be communion services only each day at normal Mass times.   Please pray for a restful yet productive experience for our priests.

 There will be a Town Hall meeting concerning the new church on Wednesday, Aug. 11th at 7PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please plan on attending this important meeting. 

Are you interested in forming the faith of our youth?  The Youth Ministry wants you.  Come be a part of our dynamic team.  Contact Deacon Greg if interested. 

Religious Education is Moving to Wednesday starting in September!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays.  

You can still register for Vacation Bible School 2021!!  This is for grades K-4 through 5th, starting this Tuesday, August 3rd at St. Anne location.  Come join the fun! 

The Golden Age of Polyphony is this week’s Adult Ed Group topic.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Thank you for your generous support to our parish.  Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.


Announcements for the weekend of July 25, 2021

There will be a Town Hall meeting concerning the new church on Wednesday, Aug. 11th at 7PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please plan on attending this important meeting. 

Are you interested in forming the faith of our youth?  The Youth Ministry wants you.  Come be a part of our dynamic team.  Contact Deacon Greg if interested.

There will be a Mass to celebrate the Feast of St. Anne on Monday, July 26th.  Mass times are 7:00AM at St. Jude and 6PM at St. Anne.

Religious Education is Moving to Wednesday starting in September!!  Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Wednesday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm.  Confirmation will remain on Sundays.  

THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  We are so excited and humbled by the response to our Adopt-A-Student Scholarship program.  Not only have you helped us meet our goal of $20,000 in a brief 5 weeks, you have helped us surpass it!  And the gifts are still coming in!  To date, we have collected $22,661 in donations.  That is AMAZING!!  God has shown us He has big plans for the children at Holy Angels Academy!  We will continue to collect donations so please prayerfully consider donating if you haven’t done so already.  Your gift will help so very much!

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to use the offertory envelopes or you can transition over to online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of July 18, 2021

There will be a Town Hall meeting concerning the new church on Wednesday, Aug. 11th at 7PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please plan on attending this important meeting. 

The Diocese strongly recommends that everyone eligible to receive a vaccination as soon as possible and stress that it is not sinful in any way to receive any of the three COVID-19 vaccines. Let us protect ourselves and our brothers and sisters as we gather together to worship.  

THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  We are so excited and humbled by the response to our Adopt-A-Student Scholarship program.  Not only have you helped us meet our goal of $20,000 in a brief 5 weeks, you have helped us surpass it!  And the gifts are still coming in!  To date, we have collected $22,661 in donations.  That is AMAZING!!  God has shown us He has big plans for the children at Holy Angels Academy!  We will continue to collect donations so please prayerfully consider donating if you haven’t done so already.  Your gift will help so very much!

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to use the offertory envelopes or you can transition over to online giving.

The Adult Ed Group begins a new series looking at sacred music.  This week is the series introduction, Hallelujah, Amen:  The World of Sacred Music.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of July 11, 2021

There will be a Town Hall meeting concerning the new church on Wednesday, Aug. 11th at 7PM in St. Anne Parish Hall.   Please plan on attending this important meeting. 

The Diocese strongly recommends that everyone eligible to receive a vaccination as soon as possible and stress that it is not sinful in any way to receive any of the three COVID-19 vaccines. Let us protects ourselves and our brothers and sisters as we gather together to worship. 

Applications are now being taken for the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship.  This is for 2021 high school graduates.  Deadline is July 15th.  Please check the bulletin for more information. 

You can still register online for Vacation Bible School 2021!!  This is for grades K-4 through 5th, August 3rd-6th at St. Anne location.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Women’s Guild will be having a Yard Sale on July 17th at the St. Anne Parish Hall.  Donations may be dropped off in the Parish Hall starting Monday.  Please check your bulletin for drop off times. 

Holy Angels Academy has introduced the “Adopt A Student” Program.  Information Packets have been mailed to every parish household.  Additional packets are available in the back of the church.  Please consider donating to this worthy program. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to use the offertory envelopes or you can transition over to online giving.