Announcements for the weekend of January 16, 2022

Please join us for our groundbreaking ceremony for the new church on Jan. 22nd.  It will be at 1:30PM at 1855 Beckwood Rd.  It’s Time!!     

Donations for the Women’s Guild Yard Sale will be collected Sunday through Thursday.  Please check your bulletin for drop off times.  The Yard Sale will be Saturday, Jan. 22nd at St. Anne Parish Hall. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call or email the Parish Office to request your statement.  Per your request, your statement can be mailed, e-mailed or prepared for pick-up.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Adult Ed group looked at the Father, and the Son, and now turns its examination to the Holy Spirit, the giver of life.  We see how the Spirit was with Jesus from his conception and how Jesus gave him to us.   Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of January 9, 2022

We are actively looking for money counters to join our Monday morning counting teams.  Finance experience is helpful, but not required.  If interested, please call the Parish office. 

Donations for the Women’s Guild Yard Sale will be collected from Jan. 16th through 20th.  Please check your bulletin for drop off times.  The Yard Sale will be Saturday, Jan. 22nd at St. Anne Parish Hall. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call or email the Parish Office to request your statement.  Per your request, your statement can be mailed, e-mailed or prepared for pick-up.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, January 9th from 12:30- 2:00 PM at Saint Anne Parish Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

The Adult Ed group continues their examination of Jesus’ Paschal Mystery and why the Creed stresses it so much.   Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of January 2, 2022

Religious Education will resume on Wednesday, January 5th at St. Jude Parish Hall.  See you there!! 

We are actively looking for money counters to join our Monday morning counting teams.  Finance experience is helpful, but not required.  If interested, please call the Parish office. 

It’s that time of year again- TAX TIME!!  Call or email the Parish Office to request your statement.  Per your request, your statement can be mailed, e-mailed or prepared for pick-up.  We hope this will make getting your 2021 Statement faster and more convenient. 

2022 Calendars are available in the back of the church at both locations.  One calendar per family please. 

The Adult Ed group resumes their examination of the Creed by looking at what matters most about Jesus- the great drama of the Paschal Mystery: is suffering, his death, his Resurrection, and his Ascension.   Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Christmas Flowers 2021

Christmas Flowers 2021 [dg}

Announcements for the weekend of December 26, 2021

The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, December 31st in observance of New Year’s.  We will reopen on Monday, January 3rd.  

Pope Francis has convened a synod for the Church that will run for the next 2 years. The Diocese of Charleston as well as our Parish will participate in this historic event. An email has been sent to all registered families containing a video message from our bishop and a survey. Please participate. 

2022 Calendars are available in the back of the church at both locations.  One calendar per family please. 

There will be NO Religious Education classes on Dec. 29th.     Classes will resume on Jan. 5th.  

Please check your bulletin for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mass times and location. 

No session this week.  We wish everyone a Holy and Merry Christmas with family and friends.  Join us after the New Year as we continue with Bishop Barron’s “The Creed.” 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of December 19, 2021

The Parish Office will be closed Friday, December 24th, for Christmas.  We will reopen on Monday, December 27th.  Have a Merry Christmas! 

Pope Francis has convened a synod for the Church that will run for the next 2 years. The Diocese of Charleston as well as our Parish will participate in this historic event. An email has been sent to all registered families containing a video message from our bishop and a survey. Please participate. 

There will be NO Religious Education classes on Dec. 22nd and 29th.  Classes will resume on Jan. 5th.  

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses now through Dec. 23rd.  Confession will start at 5 pm each day during the week followed by Mass at 6 pm.  Normal Mass times on the weekend. Potluck Fellowship to follow on Dec. 23rd only.   Please check your bulletin for more details. 

Please check your bulletin for Christmas Mass times and location. 

No session this weekend as the Adult Ed Group holds it annual Christmas Brunch & Charity Collection. Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of December 12, 2021

Pope Francis has convened a synod for the Church that will run for the next 2 years. The Diocese of Charleston as well as our Parish will participate in this historic event. An email has been sent to all registered families containing a video message from our bishop and a survey. Please participate. 

All Neighbors Helping Neighbors angels need to be returned to the Parish Office by Friday, December 17th. 

The Confirmation Class is collecting items to help the woman, teens and children who are currently at Camp Atterbury in Indiana.  Please check your bulletin for needed items.  They are collecting through today. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be this Sunday, December 12th at 12:30 PM in the Saint Anne Parish Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend.

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses Dec. 15th through Dec. 23rd.  Confession will start at 5 pm each day during the week followed by Mass at 6 pm.  Normal Mass times on the weekend. Potluck Fellowship to follow on Dec. 15th and 23rd only.   Please check your bulletin for more details. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of December 5, 2021

Pope Francis has convened a synod for the Church that will run for the next 2 years. The Diocese of Charleston as well as our Parish will participate in this historic event. An email has been sent to all registered families containing a video message from our bishop and a survey. Please participate. 

Please check your bulletin for the updated holiday Mass schedule. 

Are you looking for something to refresh your soul? Take part in Ignight every first and third Wednesday at St. Jude. Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Confirmation Class is collecting items to help the woman, teens and children who are currently at Camp Atterbury in Indiana.  Please check your bulletin for needed items.  They are collecting through December 12th. 

Join the Adult Ed Group as they look at the heart of the Christian faith, the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, and the mystery of the incarnation. Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of November 28, 2021

Pope Francis has convened a synod for the Church that will run for the next 2 years. The Diocese of Charleston as well as our Parish will participate in this historic event. An email has been sent to all registered families containing a video message from our bishop and a survey. Please participate. 

Please check your bulletin for the updated holiday Mass schedule. 

Applications for Neighbors Helping Neighbors are due in the Parish Office no later than  Monday, November 29th. 

Are you looking for something to refresh your soul? Take part in Ignight every first and third Wednesday at St. Jude. Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Adult Ed Group continues its examination of the one God, looking at the answers found in the Creed.   We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of November 21, 2021

The Parish Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 24th at noon and all day Thursday and Friday, Nov. 25th and 26th, in observance of Thanksgiving.  We will reopen on Monday, November 29th. 

Pope Francis has convened a synod for the Church that will run for the next 2 years. The Diocese of Charleston as well as our Parish will participate in this historic event. An email has been sent to all registered families containing a video message from our bishop and a survey. Please participate. 

Applications for Neighbors Helping Neighbors are due in the Parish Office no later than  Monday, November 29th. 

The Women’s Guild will be having their annual BAKE SALE this weekend after all Masses at both locations. The ladies are in need of help with clean up.  

Are you looking for something to refresh your soul? Take part in Ignight every first and third Wednesday at St. Jude. Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.