Announcements for the weekend of May 15, 2022

Vacation Bible School 2022 will be July 12th-15th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

There will be a planning meeting for Vacation Bible School 2022 on Monday, May 16th at 6PM at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Everyone is welcome to come and help. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be today at 12:30 PM at Saint Anne Parish Hall.  They will have the installation of new officers.  All women of the parish are invited to attend.  Don’t forget to turn in your completed surveys. 

The Baby Bottle Boomerang Fundraiser to support Sumter Pregnancy Center is still going on.  Please take home a baby bottle and fill it with coins, cash or checks.  Return it to church or the parish office by May 22nd. 

Join Holy Angels Academy and Bishop Guglielmone as they celebrate the school’s last Mass on Friday, May 27th at 10:30AM at St. Anne.  Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 18th as space will be limited.

Announcements for May 8th (updated)

The Knights of Columbus invite you to a Family Picnic Dinner at St. Anne Parish Hall on Saturday, May 14th from 2:00-6:30PM.  Tickets are $10.00 per plate.  Advance ticket sales only.

 In conjunction with the Family Picnic, Holy Angels Academy will host a Silent Auction.  Items will be on display in advance on Thursday, May 12th, from 8:00am- 3:00pm. 

 The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, May 15th at 12:30 PM at Saint Anne Parish Hall.  They will have the installation of new officers.  All women of the parish are invited to attend.

 Last weekend we kicked off the Baby Bottle Boomerang Fundraiser to support Sumter Pregnancy Center.  Please take home a baby bottle and fill it with coins, cash or checks.  Return it to church or the parish office by May 22nd.

 No Adult Ed session today, we wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day 2022

Mothers Day 2022

Announcements for the weekend of May 8, 2022

The Knights of Columbus invite you to a Family Picnic Dinner at St. Anne Parish Hall on Saturday, May 14th from 2:00-6:30PM.  Tickets are $10.00 per plate.  Advance ticket sales only. 

In conjunction with the Family Picnic, Holy Angels Academy will host a Silent Auction.  Items will be on display in advance on Friday, May 13th, from 8:00am- 3:00pm.  

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, May 15th at 12:30 PM at Saint Anne Parish Hall.  They will have the installation of new officers.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

Last weekend we kicked off the Baby Bottle Boomerang Fundraiser to support Sumter Pregnancy Center.  Please take home a baby bottle and fill it with coins, cash or checks.  Return it to church or the parish office by May 22nd. 

No Adult Ed session today, we wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day.

Announcements for the weekend of May 1, 2022

The Knights of Columbus invite you to a Family Picnic Dinner at St. Anne Parish Hall on Saturday, May 14th from 2:00-6:30PM.  Tickets are $10.00 per plate.  Advance ticket sales only. 

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick every First Tuesday of the Month at 7PM beginning May 3rd, after the Benediction at St. Jude Church.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for anyone who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

 We will have a training class for NEW ushers and greeters on Saturday, May 7th at 10:00AM at St. Anne’s.  Sign-up sheets are in the back of the church at both locations. 

This weekend we are kicking off the Baby Bottle Boomerang Fundraiser to support Sumter Pregnancy Center.  Take home a baby bottle and fill it with coins, cash or checks.  Return it to church or the parish office by May 22nd. 


Announcements for the weekend of April 24, 2022

Congratulations to all the Catechumens and Candidates who came into the church during the Easter Vigil Mass. 

Are you interested in serving our parish as a liturgical minister?   We will have training classes at the end of the month for lectors, Eucharistic ministers and greeters.  Please check your bulletin for dates and times.  This is for NEW liturgical ministers.  Sign up sheets are in the back of the church at both locations. 

Attention high school seniors and college students:  applications for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships are now available on the church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners.  Application deadline is June 15!!  

The Adult Ed group wraps up its program on Lent, Holy Week and Easter by examines the Feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost. Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Easter Flowers 2022

Easter Flowers 2022

Announcements for the weekend of April 17, 2022

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, April 18th.  We will reopen on Tuesday, April 19th. 

There will be NO Religious Education on Wednesday, April 20th.  We will resume on Wednesday, April 27th.  Have a Blessed Easter!! 

Are you interested in serving our parish as a liturgical minister?   We will have training classes at the end of the month for lectors, Eucharistic ministers and greeters.  Please check your bulletin for dates and times.  This is for NEW liturgical ministers.  Sign up sheets are in the back of the church at both locations. 

Attention high school seniors and college students:  applications for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships are now available on the church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners.  Application deadline is June 15!!  

You are invited to Bishop Guglielmone’s Mass of Thanksgiving on April 23rd at 2:30PM at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston.  Deadline to RSVP is April 19th.  Check your bulletin for more information. 

No session this week. The Adult Ed Group- wishes the best of Easter and the Risen Christ. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of April 10, 2022

Join us at St. Anne Parish Hall Cafeteria to dye and decorate Easter Eggs on Saturday, April 16th from 10:00am-12:00pm.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.  All Families are welcome!! 

Bishop Robert Guglielmone will be celebrating Easter Mass with us on Sunday, April 17th at 11:00 AM.  Please join us after Mass for an Easter Egg Hunt for the children and lunch buffet for everyone at 12:15 PM at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Bring your own basket!! 

Are you interested in serving our parish as a liturgical minister?   We will have training classes at the end of the month for lectors, Eucharistic ministers and greeters.  Please check your bulletin for dates and times.  This is for NEW liturgical ministers.  Sign up sheets are in the back of the church at both locations. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be today from 12:30- 2:00 PM at Saint Anne Parish Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

Please check your bulletin or parish app for Holy Week Mass times and location. 

The Adult Ed Group topic of the week is the Great Fifty Days of Easter.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.

Announcements for the weekend of April 3, 2022

Join us at St. Anne Parish Hall Cafeteria to dye and decorate Easter Eggs on Saturday, April 16th from 10:00am-12:00pm.  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.  All Families are welcome!! 

Bishop Robert Guglielmone will be celebrating Easter Mass with us on Sunday, April 17th at 11:00 AM.  Please join us after Mass for an Easter Egg Hunt for the children and brunch buffet for everyone at 12:15 PM at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Bring your own basket!! 

Lenten Fish Fry sponsored by the Knights of Peter Claver will be Friday, April 8th from 11:30am-5:30pm at Saint Jude.  Tickets are $10.00 Per Person.  Please place your order in advance. 

The next Women’s Guild Meeting will be Sunday, April 10th from 12:30- 2:00 PM at Saint Anne Parish Hall.  All women of the parish are invited to attend. 

Please check your bulletin or parish app for Holy Week Mass times and location. 

The Adult Ed Group continues its program by looking at the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass. 

Thank you for your generous support to our parish. Please continue to support us through our offertory basket, envelopes or online giving.