Announcements for the weekend of July 17, 2022

A Novena to celebrate St. Anne starts Monday, July 18th.  Prayers will be said in the daily and weekend Masses.  The Feast of St. Anne will be celebrated on Tuesday, July 26th, at 12:15 PM Mass at St. Anne. 

As part of the 20 years celebration of the Adorno Fathers’ presence in the Philippines, the icon of the CRM Founders is available.  Suggested price for the small icon is $8 and the medium icon is $13.  Check your bulletin for more information. 

Do you want to know more about the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who is thinking about joining the Catholic Church?  Are you a baptized Catholic but have not received First Communion or Confirmation?  If you are interested, please check the bulletin for more information. 

Adult Education’s session this week looks at St. Thomas More’s reflections on Education.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.


Announcements for the weekend of July 10, 2022

A Novena to celebrate St. Anne starts Monday, July 18th.  Prayers will be said in the daily and weekend Masses.  The Feast of St. Anne will be celebrated on Tuesday, July 26th, at 12:15 PM Mass at St. Anne. 

It’s not too late to register for Vacation Bible School 2022!!  This is for grades K-4 through 5th, this coming Tuesday through Friday at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

This week’s Adult Education session examines St. Thomas More as a Christian Socrates in Action.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of July 3, 2022

Parish Office will be closed on Monday, July 4th, in observance of Fourth of July.  We will reopen on Tuesday, July 5th.

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction at St. Jude Church.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for anyone who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days.

It’s not too late to register for Vacation Bible School 2022!!  This is for grades K-4 through 5th, July 12th-15th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

This week’s Adult Education session looks at St. Thomas More and his reflections on Friendship.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of June 26, 2022

Don’t forget to register online for Vacation Bible School 2022!!  This is for grades K-4 through 5th, July 12th-15th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

As part of the 20 years celebration of the Adorno Fathers’ presence in the Philippines, the icon of the CRM Founders is available.  Suggested price for the small icon is $8 and the medium icon is $13.  Check your bulletin for more information. 

The Adult Ed group continues their examination of St. Thomas More by looking at the early account of his statesmanship.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of June 19, 2022

Happy Father’s Day to all the men of our parish! 

Vacation Bible School 2022 will be July 12th-15th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

The Adult Ed group begins a new series looking at St. Thomas More, the Patron of Statesmen.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Fathers Day 2022

Fathers Day 2022

Announcements for the weekend of June 12, 2022

This is the last weekend to drop off items for the Knights of Columbia Food Drive to support Christian Charities and United Ministries.  Containers are available in the back of both churches.  

Wednesday is the application deadline for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships.  Applications are available on the church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners.  Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity!!  

Having completed their study of the Wisdom of Solomon, the Adult Ed group turns to a short interlude: A Wisdom Psalm on Torah.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.


Announcements for the weekend of June 5, 2022

The Knights of Columbia- Sumter are conducting a Food Drive to support Christian Charities and United Ministries.  Please help with dry goods and canned items.  Containers will be available in the back of the church and Parish Halls for the next two Sundays.  

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction at St. Jude Church.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for anyone who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

Vacation Bible School 2022 will be July 12th-15th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

Please join the Sumter Knights of Columbus Thursday, June 9th, 6:30pm at St. Jude for our Silver Rose Prayer Service.  Check your bulletin for more information.  

Announcements for the weekend of May 29, 2022

The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, May 31st. 

The Knights of Columbus- Sumter are conducting a Food Drive to support Christian Charities and United Ministries.  Please help with dry goods and canned items.  Containers will be available in the back of the church and Parish Halls June 4/5 and 11/12.  Please see your bulletin with insert for more information. 

Vacation Bible School 2022 will be July 12th-15th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

Application deadline is fast approaching for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships.  Applications are available on the church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners.  Deadline is June 15!! 

Announcements for the weekend of May 22, 2022

As of Sunday, June 5th, we will no longer be livestreaming Masses in English or Spanish.  Sunday, May 29th will be the last livestreamed Mass. 

The Knights of Columbia- Sumter are conducting a Food Drive to support Christian Charities and United Ministries.  Please help with dry goods and canned items.  Containers will be available in the back of the church and Parish Halls June 4/5 and 11/12. 

Vacation Bible School 2022 will be July 12th-15th at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Registration forms are available NOW on the Parish Website.   If you want to help in the planning, donate supplies or volunteer to be a Group Leader, please call the Parish Office or check the bulletin for more information. 

Attention high school seniors and college students:  applications for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships are now available on the church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners.  Application deadline is June 15!!