Announcements for the weekend of November 27, 2022

We need your help in doubling your impact for the new church finishes!!  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.    

Applications for Neighbors Helping Neighbors are due in the Parish Office no later than Monday, November 28th.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Women’s Guild will be having a Coat Give Away on December 10th from 9 am- 11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall.  They are only accepting donations of coats, blankets, socks and sweaters on Thursday and Friday prior to the giveaway.  

The Hispanic Community will be selling plates on Sunday, December 4th.  Cost is $12 per plate. Please call the parish office the week before to pre-order. Orders can be picked up on Sunday at 1:45 PM at St. Jude cafeteria. 

The Adult Education group continues its monthly feature as we examine a current issue in the Catholic Church.  We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Announcements for the weekend of November 20, 2022

We need your help in doubling your impact for the new church finishes!!  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check the letter in this week’s bulletin for more information.  

The Parish Office will be closed at noon on Wednesday, November 23rd and all day Thursday and Friday, Nov. 24th and 25th, in observance of Thanksgiving.  We will reopen on Monday, November 28th. 

The Sumter- Knights of Columbus will be holding a “TURKEY BINGO” on Sunday from 2-4:00 PM at St. Anne Parish Hall.  No fees. Free Popcorn and Drinks.  Flyers available in the back of the church. 

The Women’s Guild will have their annual BAKE SALE this weekend after all Masses at both locations.

Announcements for the weekend of November 13, 2022

Do you want to double your impact for the new church finishes??  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check your bulletin for more information.  

Sumter United Ministries has again asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wednesday, November 16th. 

The Sumter- Knights of Columbus will be holding a “TURKEY BINGO” on Sunday, November 20th from 2-4:00 PM at St. Anne Parish Hall.  No fees. Free Popcorn and Drinks.  Flyers available in the back of the church. 

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on November 19th at 9:30 am in St. Anne Parish Hall. The program will be “End of Life Planning.”   They will also have their annual BAKE SALE that weekend after all Masses at both locations. Please check your bulletin for more information.

Announcements for the weekend of November 6, 2022

Do you want to double your impact for the new church finishes??  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check your bulletin for more information.  

Sumter United Ministries has again asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wednesday, November 16th. 

The Sumter- Knights of Columbus will be holding a “TURKEY BINGO” on Sunday, November 20th from 2-4:00 PM at St. Anne Parish Hall.  No fees. Free Popcorn and Drinks.  Flyers available in the back of the church. 

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on November 19th at 9:30 am in St. Anne Parish Hall. The program will be “End of Life Planning.”   They will also have their annual BAKE SALE that weekend after all Masses at both locations. Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Hispanic Community will be selling steak and cheese tortas on Sunday, November 13th.  Cost is $12 per plate. Please call the parish office the week before to pre-order. Orders can be picked up on Sunday at 1:45 PM at St. Jude cafeteria.

Announcements for the weekend of October 30, 2022

There will be No Adoration this Tuesday because of All Saints Day.  Please check your bulletin for Mass times and location.  The All Souls Mass will be on Wednesday at 12:15pm at St. Lawrence Cemetery.  This will include the Blessing of the New Columbariums. 

Do you want to double your impact for the new church finishes??  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check your bulletin for more information.  

Sumter United Ministries has again asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wednesday, November 16th. 

The Ladies of Peter Claver will be hosting a shopping extravaganza on Saturday, November 5th from 8-1 pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  One stop holiday and gift shopping. 

The Hispanic Community will be selling tamales on Sunday, November 6th.  Cost is $12 per plate. Please call the parish office the week before to pre-order. Orders can be picked up on Sunday at 1:45 PM at St. Jude cafeteria. 

Ladies- treat yourself to an afternoon retreat Sunday, November 6, from 12:30-3:00 pm.  All ladies of the church are invited.  Please sign up in the back of the church if you plan to attend.

Announcements for the weekend of October 23, 2022

Congratulations to Father Ronie on his appointment as parochial vicar to St. Anne and St. Jude. 

The Parish Office will move to the old school office on Tuesday and Wednesday while they do work in the office.  We will be back in the parish office on Thursday. 

Do you want to double your impact for the new church finishes??  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check your bulletin for more information.  

The Ladies of Peter Claver will be hosting a shopping extravaganza on Saturday, November 5th from 8-1 pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Tables are still available- contact the parish office to sign up. 

There will be a Feast of St. Jude Mass on Friday, October 28th at 6pm.  This will be the last Feast of St. Jude that our community will celebrate in our St. Jude church.  A potluck reception will follow. 

The Hispanic Community will be selling flautas on Sunday, October 30th.  Cost is $12 per plate. Please call the parish office the week before to pre-order. Orders can be picked up on Sunday at 1:45 PM at St. Jude cafeteria. 

Ladies- treat yourself to an afternoon retreat Sunday, November 6, from 12:30-3:00 pm.  All ladies of the church are invited.  Please sign up in the back of the church if you plan to attend.

Announcements for the weekend of October 16, 2022

Do you want to double your impact for the new church finishes??  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check your bulletin for more information.  

Father Edgardo Enverga, CRM will be at All Masses next weekend for the Adorno Mission.  Please use your Adorno Fathers Mission envelope. 

The St. Francis Caracciolo Homeless Ministry is still accepting donations.  Please check your bulletin for a list of requested items.   Donations can be dropped off at the Parish Office. 

The Hispanic Community will be selling food plates starting Sunday, October 23rd.  Cost is $12 per plate. Please call the parish office the week before to pre-order. All proceeds will go to the St. Anne and St. Jude building fund.

Announcements for the weekend of October 9, 2022

Do you want to double your impact for the new church finishes??  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check your bulletin for more information.  

On October 15th, there will be a Rosary Rally in front of the old courthouse at 12:00 pm.  This is a nationwide event.  All are welcome to attend. 

The nest Women’s Guild meeting will be on October 15th at 9:30 am in St. Anne Parish Hall. The program will be “The Rosary and Mysteries”   Come join in the fun and bring a friend.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Giving made easy while you are on the go.  Online Giving allows you to make donations, payments and pledges via your mobile phone, smart device or computer to our church.  Go to the church website and click the Online Giving link to get started.

Announcements for the weekend of October 2, 2022

Do you want to double your impact for the new church finishes??  For every dollar you give from now until December 15th, another dollar will be added to your donation.  It can be done through online giving or through the Parish Office.  Please check your bulletin for more information.  

Sumter’s Annual Life Chain 2022 will be held today from 2:30- 3:30 pm. Location will be along Broad St. in front of Central Carolina between Wise Dr. and Bultman Dr.  Hope to see you there. 

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction at St. Jude Church.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for anyone who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

The Adult Ed group looks at the influence of Judaism and the Greco-Roman culture as we look at their influences on early Christianity.  Join us in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.