Announcements for the weekend of March 16, 2025

Looking for a weekly Lenten reflection to take part in? Join us as the SASJ Stewardship committee will be hosting a Lenten Journey with the Saints with an emphasis on this Jubilee Year of Hope. The reflection is from 6 to 7 pm at the Parish Hall. We ask that you consider bringing a crock pot soup and/or bread to share. See you there!  

Please come out and join us at Stations of the Cross.  It will be presented every Friday during Lent starting at 6PM.   Please check your bulletin for more information. 

Attention high school seniors and college students: The application for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships is now available on the Church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners!  Application deadline is June 16th.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Knight of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary are offering a $600 college scholarship.  Please call the office for information to apply.

Friday, April 4th, the Knights of Peter Claver will be having a Lenten Fish Fry.   Tickets are $13 each.  See a Knight of Peter Claver for tickets. 

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena and Mass will be every Wednesday at 7:00pm.  This is a chance to attend a mass during weekdays for those who cannot attend the 7 am daily mass.

Announcements for the weekend of March 9, 2025

Looking for a weekly Lenten reflection to take part in? Join us as the SASJ Stewardship committee will be hosting a Lenten Journey with the Saints with an emphasis on this Jubilee Year of Hope. The journey begins Monday, March 10th from 6 to 7 pm. We ask that you consider bringing a crock pot soup and/or bread to share. See you March 10th!  

The Sumter Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for their St. Patrick’s Dinner/Dance.  The dinner is on Saturday, March 15th, from 6-9pm at the Parish Hall.  Tickets are $30 each. 

Attention high school seniors and college students: The application for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships is now available on the Church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners!  Application deadline is June 16th.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on March 15th starting at 11:00 am in the Adult Ed Room.   Come join in the fun and bring a friend.  

The Knight of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary are offering a $600 college scholarship.  Please call the office for information to apply.

Friday, April 4th, the Knights of Peter Claver will be having a Lenten Fish Fry.  Tickets will be on sale at all Masses this weekend. Tickets are $13 each.


Announcements for the weekend of March 2, 2025

Looking for a weekly Lenten reflection to take part in? Join us as the SASJ Stewardship committee will be hosting a Lenten Journey with the Saints with an emphasis on this Jubilee Year of Hope. The journey begins Monday, March 10th from 6 to 7 pm. We ask that you consider bringing a crock pot soup and/or bread to share. See you March 10th!  

We will have a Padre Pio Mass and Healing Service this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction.  This is open to anyone.  There will be no sacrament of the anointing of the sick but will have the anointing of healing through the intercession of St. Padre Pio. 

The Sumter Knights of Columbus are selling tickets for their St. Patrick’s Dinner/Dance.  The dinner is on Saturday, March 15th, from 6-9pm at the Parish Hall.  Tickets are $30 each. 

Attention high school seniors and college students: The application for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships is now available on the Church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners!  Application deadline is June 16th.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on March 15th starting at 11:00 am in the Adult Ed Room.   Come join in the fun and bring a friend.  

There will be a power-point presentation of the February 10-17, 2025 Mission Trip to Kingston, Jamaica on Thursday March 6, 2025 at 7:00pm in the OCIA room St. Anne Parish Hall. Each member will share their reflections of the Mission Trip.


Announcements for the weekend of February 23, 2025

Attention high school seniors and college students: The application for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships is now available on the Church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners!  Application deadline is June 16th.  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

There will be a limited number of tickets to purchase at the door for the Youth Group Mardi Gras Dinner/ Dance on March 1st.    Tickets will also be available at the Parish Office.  Tickets are $60 per couple and $35 for singles.  See you there! 

The Adorno Fathers have sponsored a Purgatorial Society under the patronage of St. Michael, the Archangel celebrating Mass for the Repose of all those enrolled.  The use of these mass cards can be both a convenient and fitting way to help you express your sentiments to friends and relatives.  Contact the parish office for more information. 

NO food, drink or GUM allowed in the church!  Please be respectful of those praying by ending all conversations in the foyer before entering the sanctuary. Parents! Please mind your kids during Mass.  Unfortunately, we have had multiple pews scratched and damaged recently.  Also- children under the age of 12 need to be accompanied to the restroom.

Announcements for the weekend of February 16, 2025

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.   

The Knights of St. Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliary present their annual Black History Program on Sunday, February 23, 2025, at St. Anne Parish Hall from 2:00PM -4:00PM. The theme for 2025 is “African Americans and Labor”.   The program is open to the public and refreshments will be served. 

St Anne and St. Jude Youth Group will be selling tickets for their Mardi Gras Masquerade Dinner/ Dance.  The dinner is March 1st from 7-10pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Tickets are $60 per couple and $35 for singles.  Come dressed up ready to eat some great food and dance. 

Just a friendly reminder- NO food, drink or GUM allowed in the church!  Also please be respectful of those praying by ending all conversations in the foyer before entering the sanctuary.



Announcements for the weekend of February 9, 2025

Youth Group has been cancelled this Sunday.  Instead we will meet Wednesday, Feb. 12th from 7-8 pm. 

The Knights of St. Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliary present their annual Black History Program on Sunday, February 23, 2025, at St. Anne Parish Hall from 2:00PM -4:00PM. The theme for 2025 is “African Americans and Labor”.   The program is open to the public and refreshments will be served. 

St Anne and St. Jude Youth Group will be selling tickets this weekend for their Mardi Gras Masquerade Dinner/ Dance.  The dinner is March 1st from 7-10pm at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Tickets are $60 per couple and $35 for singles.  Come dressed up ready to eat some great food and dance. 

Liturgical Ministry Training- All Confirmed individuals who are in Communion with the church are invited to be a part of the Liturgical Ministry.  Training for NEW Eucharistic Ministers, lectors and ushers will be this coming week.  You must stop by the Parish Office before training to fill out a form.  Please check your bulletin for dates and times. 

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on February 15th starting at 11:00 am in St. Anne Parish Hall.   Come join in the fun and bring a friend. 


Announcements for the weekend of February 2, 2025

The Adorno Fathers have sponsored a Purgatorial Society under the patronage of St. Michael, the Archangel celebrating Mass for the Repose of all those enrolled.  The use of these mass cards can be both a convenient and fitting way to help you express your sentiments to friends and relatives.  Contact the parish office for more information. 

We will have a Padre Pio Mass and Healing Service this Tuesday at 7PM after the Benediction.  This is open to anyone.  There will be no sacrament of the anointing of the sick but will have the anointing of healing through the intercession of St. Padre Pio. 

Looking for that perfect gift?  Please consider a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer.

Announcements for the weekend of January 19, 2025

The priests will be gone at convocation Monday through Wednesday, Jan. 20th-22nd.  There will be NO morning Mass or Adoration on those days.  Normal Mass time on Thursday, Jan. 23rd.    Please pray for the priests to have a productive and prayerful week.

The Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver will sponsor a celebration to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.  It will be held at St. Anne’s Parish Hall today at 2:00 pm.  Refreshments will be served. 

The Adorno Fathers have sponsored a Purgatorial Society under the patronage of St. Michael, the Archangel celebrating Mass for the Happy Repose of all those enrolled.  The use of these mass cards can be both a convenient and fitting way to help you express your sentiments to friends and relatives.  Contact the parish office for more information. 

Just a friendly reminder- NO food, drink or GUM allowed in the church!  Also please be respectful of those praying by ending all conversations in the foyer before entering the sanctuary.

Announcements for the weekend of January 12, 2025

Donations for the Women’s Guild Annual Yard Sale will be collected from Jan. 12th through 17th.  The Yard Sale will be Saturday, Jan. 18th from 7-11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall. 

The Knights and Ladies of Peter Claver will sponsor a celebration to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday.  It will be held at St. Anne’s Parish Hall at 2:00 pm on January 19th.  Refreshments will be served. 

The Adorno Fathers have sponsored a Purgatorial Society under the patronage of St. Michael, the Archangel celebrating Mass for the Happy Repose of all those enrolled.  The use of these mass cards can be both a convenient and fitting way to help you express your sentiments to friends and relatives.  Contact the parish office for more information. 

Just a friendly reminder- NO food, drink or GUM allowed in the church!  Also please be respectful of those praying by ending all conversations in the foyer before entering the sanctuary.

Announcements for the weekend of January 5, 2025

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary or birthday this week and would like a special blessing, please see the priest after Mass. If you are a visitor here for the first time, please visit our welcoming table in the foyer after Mass.   

Donations for the Women’s Guild Annual Yard Sale will be collected from Jan. 12th through 17th.  The Yard Sale will be Saturday, Jan. 18th from 7-11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall. 

The Adorno Fathers have sponsored a Purgatorial Society under the patronage of St. Michael, the Archangel celebrating Mass for the Happy Repose of all those enrolled.  The use of these mass cards can be both a convenient and fitting way to help you express your sentiments to friends and relatives.  Contact the parish office for more information. 

We will be having confession from 4:30-5:30 pm before benediction on Tuesday, Jan. 7th. 

Today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity!