Announcements for the weekend of December 29, 2024

The Parish Office will be open until noon on Tuesday, Dec. 31st and closed all day on Wednesday, January 1st for New Years.   The parish office will reopen on Thursday, Jan. 2nd.   Have a safe New Year!! 

There will be NO adoration on Tuesday, Dec. 31st. 

Please check your bulletin for the holiday Mass schedule. 

There will be NO Religious Education or confirmation classes on Jan. 1st.    Classes will resume on Jan. 8th.  See you then. 

The Adorno Store is now open!  Catholic items are for sale in the Parish Office.  All proceeds go to the Adorno Fathers’ Mission.  Come check it out! 

2025 Calendars are now available in the foyer of the church.  One calendar per family please.

Announcements for the weekend of December 22, 2024

The Parish Office will be closed Dec. 24th   through 27th for Christmas.  We will have limited office hours on Thursday and Friday.  The parish office will reopen on Monday, Dec. 30th.   Have a Merry Christmas! 

There will be NO adoration on Tuesday, Dec. 24th. 

Please check your bulletin for the holiday Mass schedule. 

There will be NO Religious Education or confirmation classes on Dec. 25th and Jan. 1st.    Classes will resume on Jan. 8th.  See you then. 

The Adorno Store is now open!  Catholic items are for sale in the Parish Office.  All proceeds go to the Adorno Fathers’ Mission.  Come check it out! 

Looking for that perfect Christmas present?  Please consider a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer.

Announcements for the weekend of December 15, 2024

All wrapped gifts from the Angel Tree need to be returned to the parish office by Dec. 18th for distribution before Christmas. 

Attention Religious Education families- We will have our annual Christmas Party on December 18th from 5:45-7PM.  Please ask your student for more information. 

The Adorno Store is now open!  Catholic items are for sale in the Parish Office.  All proceeds go to the Adorno Fathers’ Mission.  Come check it out! 

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses Dec. 16th through 23rd.    Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Women’s Guild meeting and Christmas Party is at 12 noon in the Adult Education Room bring a” white elephant” gift exchange. Ladies are invited to attend the Senior Christmas Dinner sponsored by the Knights and Ladies of Peter Calver at 11.00AM at the St Anne Parish Center the same day, December 21.

Looking for that perfect Christmas present?  Please consider a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer.

Announcements for the weekend of December 8, 2024

Please check your bulletin for Mass times for the Immaculate Conception Holy Day Mass schedule. 

Angel Tree tags are now up.  Please select a tag.  All wrapped gifts need to be returned to the parish office by Dec. 18th for distribution before Christmas. 

There have been a series of fake emails going around using Father Nony’s name.  Please remember that no member of the Adorno Fathers, clergy or staff of SASJ will ever reach out to you by email for money, gift cards or any other form of donation.  If you receive an email of this kind, please let the parish office know. 

Women’s Guild will be having a Coat Give Away on December 14th from 9 am- 11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Drop off times will be on Thursday and Friday prior to the giveaway.    

Come and join us in celebrating Christmas Novena Masses Dec. 16th through 23rd.  We will have penance service on Thursday, December 12th from 6-8 pm.    

The Women’s Guild meeting and Christmas Party is at 12 noon in the Adult Education Room bring a” white elephant” gift exchange. Ladies are invited to attend the Senior Christmas Dinner sponsored by the Knights and Ladies of Peter Calver at 11.00AM at the St Anne Parish Center the same day, December 21.

Announcements for the weekend of December 1, 2024

IGiveCatholic is still going on through December 3rd.  If you would like to donate to help the Youth Group get to Steubenville, there is still time.  Check the Facebook page for the link. 

Angel Tree tags are now up.  Please select a tag.  All wrapped gifts need to be returned to the parish office by Dec. 18th for distribution before Christmas. 

The Catholic Youth of Sumter is having a fundraiser for a Parents Night Out on Saturday, December 7th from 5-8pm in the Parish Hall.  Drop off your children up to the 5th grade.  The first child is $20 & each additional is $10. 

Women’s Guild will be having a Coat Give Away on December 14th from 9 am- 11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Drop off times will be on Thursday and Friday prior to the giveaway.    

Looking for that perfect Christmas present?  Please consider a commemorative brick for your family.  Your family name, a significant event or your graduation can be permanently memorialized within our church grounds.  Cost is $200 per brick.  Order forms are available in the church foyer.

Announcements for the weekend of November 24, 2024

The Parish Office will be closed Wednesday, November 27th through Friday, Nov. 29th, in observance of Thanksgiving.  We will reopen on Monday, December 2nd.  Have a safe Thanksgiving! 

St. Anne and St. Jude Parish will be having a Christmas Gala on Monday, December 2, 2024 from 6:30-9:30 pm at the O’Donnell House.  Tickets are $35 each.  This is a catered event featuring food, music and fellowship.  Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. 

Applications for the Neighbors Helping Neighbors are available in the church and the parish office. This year we will be focusing our finances and help on individuals and families in our own parish community.  The deadline to be included is November 27th. 

The Catholic Youth of Sumter is having a fundraiser for a Parents Night Out on Saturday, December 7th from 5-8pm in the Parish Hall.  Drop off your children up to the 5th grade.  The first child is $20 & each additional is $10. 

The Sumter Knights of Columbus will be holding a “TURKEY BINGO” on today from 2-4:00 PM at the Parish Hall.  No fees. Free Popcorn and Drinks.  

Women’s Guild will be having a Coat Give Away on December 14th from 9 am- 11 am at St. Anne Parish Hall.  Drop off times will be on Thursday and Friday prior to the giveaway.    

Announcements for the weekend of November 17, 2024

The Adorno Fathers Foundation representatives will be outside after Mass selling tickets for their annual 50/50 raffle.  The AFF exists to provide emergency support to the Adorno Fathers seminarians and retired priests.  This is their one fundraising event of the year and they appreciate your generosity.  Tickets are $5.00 each. 

St. Anne and St. Jude Parish will be having a Christmas Gala on Monday, December 2, 2024 from 6:30-9:30 pm at the O’Donnell House.  Tickets are $35 each.  This is a catered event featuring food, music and fellowship.  

Applications for the Neighbors Helping Neighbors are available in the church and the parish office. This year we will be focusing our finances and help on the individuals and families in our own parish community.  The deadline to be included is November 27th. 

The altar servers training for those who are interested is today at 2:00 pm with Fr. Ronie at the church. You must have had your first communion to attend.  

The Sumter- Knights of Columbus will be holding a “TURKEY BINGO” on Sunday, November 24th, from 2-4:00 PM at the Parish Hall.  No fees. Free Popcorn and Drinks.  

The Women’s Guild will be having their annual BAKE SALE on Nov. 23-24th after all Masses. 

Announcements for the weekend of November 10, 2024

There will be NO Youth Group on Sunday, November 10th.  See you on Sunday, November 17th. 

The Adorno Fathers Foundation representatives will be outside after Mass selling tickets for their annual 50/50 raffle.  The AFF exists to provide emergency support to the Adorno Fathers seminarians and retired priests.  This is their one fundraising event of the year and they appreciate your generosity.  Tickets are $5.00 each. 

The altar servers training for those who are interested has been rescheduled to Sunday, November 17th at 2:00 pm with Fr. Ronie at the church. You must have had your first communion to attend.  

Mark your calendars- St. Anne and St. Jude Parish will be having a Christmas Gala on Monday, December 2, 2024 from 6:30-9:30 pm at the O’Donnell House.  Tickets are $35 each.  This is a catered event featuring food, music and fellowship. 

The Sumter- Knights of Columbus will be holding a “TURKEY BINGO” on Sunday, November 24th, from 2-4:00 PM at the Parish Hall.  No fees. Free Popcorn and Drinks.  

The next Women’s Guild meeting will be on November 16th starting at 11:00 am in the Adult Ed room.  Our guest speaker will be Nancy Mitchell.  Please join us and bring a friend.   

The Women’s Guild will be having their annual BAKE SALE on Nov. 23-24th after all Masses. 

Announcements for the weekend of November 3, 2024

We will have a Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick this Tuesday at 7PM after Benediction.  Anointing will take place during the Mass.  This is for any Catholic who is seriously ill, elderly, handicapped or will be undergoing surgery within the next several days. 

The Adorno Fathers Foundation will be selling raffle tickets after all the Masses the next two weekends.  Proceeds are used to provide emergency support to the Adorno Fathers seminarians and retired priests.  Tickets are $5.00 each.  They appreciate your generosity. 

There will be a facility clean out at St. Jude’s on November 9th from 9-2pm.  This is NOT a sale- this is a giveaway.  The doors will be opened and anything that isn’t attached to the building or religious in nature is there for the taking.  Just a reminder NO religious items are available. 

It is that time of year again! Sumter United Ministries has asked our parish to donate 150 cans of Cranberry Sauce for their Thanksgiving baskets.  All donations are needed in the Parish office by Wednesday, November 13th. 

The altar servers training for those who are interested has been rescheduled to Sunday, November 17th at 2:00 pm with Fr. Ronie at the church. You must have had your first communion to attend.  

Today’s second collection is for debt reduction. Thank you for your generosity!