Announcements for the weekend of March 19, 2023

Attention high school seniors and college students: The application for the Thomas B. Jenkins Memorial Scholarships are now available on the Church website.  They are ONLY available to St. Anne and St. Jude parishioners!  Please check your bulletin for more information. 

The Sumter Knights of Columbus are conducting a Food Drive March 25th/26th to support Christian Charities.  Please help with dry goods and canned items.  Containers will be available in the back of St. Anne Parish Hall and St. Jude Church and Parish Hall.  

Just a reminder- Altar Server training for NEW ALTAR SERVERS and their parents will be Saturday, March 25th, at 1:00pm in the Saint Jude Church. 

Please join us for a Spring Work Day at St. Anne’s on Saturday, March 25th from 10AM-1PM.  Look for the specific task sign-up sheets in both Church locations.  We can’t so this without you!!