Announcements for the weekend of December 6, 2020
Thank you to everyone who participated in IGiveCatholic Giving Day. We are so grateful to all who so generously donated to help Holy Angels Academy students.
Liturgical ministers are needed in all areas. Must be a member in good standing with the church. If interested, please stop by the parish office to register.
Today’s session looks at Progressivism, Nationalism and the “Common Good” and their secularization of America. We meet in the Adult Ed room at St. Anne immediately after the 8:00 AM Mass.
Our parish is dependent upon the weekly offertory collection to continue its ministry, its ability to maintain our staff and to pay bills. The parish would be most grateful for your continued financial support while our collections continue to be significantly affected by the pandemic. If you are able, you may drop your weekly offertory in the basket by the door, mail in your weekly offertory checks to the parish, drop them off in the mailbox at the parish office, or transition to online giving using the link on our parish website If you are doing this already, thank you for your generosity and your continued support to our parish. May God bless and keep you always.