Announcements for the weekend of August 16, 2020
It is not too late to pick up your gift from the church for you and your family. Please come by the office to pick it up.
We are excited to announce that we are going back to church to celebrate Mass beginning this weekend. Temperatures will be checked at the door and masks must be worn at all times. Please read your bulletin for Mass times and locations.
Religious Education is Moving to Monday starting in September!! Classes for K-8th grade will be held on Monday evenings from 5:45pm-7:00pm. Confirmation will remain on Sundays. Registration for ALL grades begins later this month.
The Knights of Columbus will be conducting a food drive to support Christian Charities and the United Ministries. Containers will be in the back of each church for the next two weekends. Please check the bulletin insert for more information.
If we have supplied you with a mask, please consider making a donation.