Dunk Tank Time !!

Hey guys guess what time it is… DUNK TANK TIME..Join us at the Parish Picnic this Sunday for food, fellowship and some serious FUN. We have a clown for the little ones, games for the youth, Bingo for the adults, Ministry Fair, we will be unveiling the new SASJ T-Shirt 15.00 dollars each…and MY PERSONAL FAVORITE… The Dunk Tank… this years victims are:
*Fr. Gio Crm, Pastor
*Fr. Rufino Jr Crm, Parochial Vicar
*Deacon Steven Frye
*Principal Kristi Doyle
*David Marcella
Remember this is a PARISH Fundraiser and Voting starts now on the SASJ Facebook page and will be taken up to 20 minutes before Dunk time…25 cents per vote. The top 3 (three) vote generators GET WET !!! (Mu-ha ha ha)